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The following article was published in our article directory on November 10, 2020.
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Tips and Hints to Make Your Life Easier by Finding Purpose in Life by Uncovering Passion

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: James Nussbaumer

Let's make your life easier in this instant now through inner Spirit as you live your own purpose by uncovering your passion without fear and doubt...

You can make your life easier when you learn to listen and follow your true inner Guidance system; always lovingly suggesting what to do next.

As humans we are often far too filled with fear and doubt. This many times leaving us hanging on to feeling no purpose in life while staying stuck.

To begin finding your purpose is in easily uncovering your passion. Yes, but while trusting that you will be guided appropriately.

Believe it or not, the ego has set up a plan for you to help you stay stuck finding your way in this world.  And it's a grandiose plan for salvation.

The ego-based mind aspect in us all with a foundation of fear doesn't really know what salvation is.

The ego's plan is the opposite of God's plan and is full of stress. The ego's plan centers on holding grievances.

But you can make your life easier by choosing not to buy into its grandiosity, and rather uncovering your God given Grandeur.

This is where your passion waits for you to claim it.

The Course in Miracles teaches us that this is why the ego's plan is always, "Seek but do not find".

Thus assuring us we will not find the life we are seeking.

We've discussed deeply im my ever-developing book series that salvation is being able to acknowledge your grandeur.

Yes, that you are being guided by the Holy Spirit as you live your own true free will. Or, otherwise, your purpose becomes divided and relies on fantasy wishes.

If we advance confidently with the grandeur that we have always been a wonderful world opens up for us.

I'm saying, in the direction of our true feelings of purpose and not fantasy wishes.

It is stepping through the fog that obscures our way, we will live the life we imagined. We will see the path that leads us beyond the world's boundaries.

I mean, where new, universal, and more passionate principles and laws will begin to establish themselves around us and within us.

This is the undoing of our errors that is the Holy Spirit's function.

It is which leads us to reawaken from the dream of a separated mind--a fantasy that will never be real.

In proportion to all of this, is how you make your life easier.

Our weaknesses will not drain us, and all that used to seem like effort will become effortless.

All you have to do is tell the Holy Spirit that you are ready for His guidance and simply ask Him to be your foundation.

Remember this when you hear your heart beating for your purpose, and the ego tries to hold you back.

Simply discuss this with the Holy Spirit if you're having a problem identifying with your life's purpose.

You can easily do this by focusing your thoughts on the following words I've taken from the Course in Miracles.

I like to use these words in the form of a prayer or during meditation:

What would you have me do?
Where would you have me go?
What would you have me say, and to whom?
Give the Holy Spirit full charge of your thoughts throughout your day to make your life easier.

Allow Him to tell you what needs to be done by you in His plan for your purpose in life.

The very fact that you have been along with me in my books and articles, for whatever reason, proves something.

It helps both you and me to prove our willingness, and this makes us both ready to listen.

Throughout your day tell yourself often that you are absolutely sure that the Holy Spirit is at work to help you find and fulfill your function.

In order that the humanity ultimately become completely whole, it needs your purpose to be fulfilled.

That as well means uncovering your passion.

The Holy Spirit is determined to get your part aligned, so you can fulfill your purpose in God's plan for our reawakening.

This is the process of aligning mindfully with the power of the universe.

Be alert, be ready, and allow your grandeur to speak for itself.

It takes great learning to understand that all things, events, encounters and circumstances are helpful.

So remember, believe it or not, the ego aspect in we humans based on fear and doubt has set up a plan for you.

One to help you fearfully find your way in this world, and it's a grandiose plan for salvation.

What truly is salvation?

How would you describe being saved?

The ego's plan is the opposite of God's plan and is full of stress. The ego's plan centers on holding conflict with grandiose grievances.

Allow your inner divine Guide to tell you what needs to be done by you in His plan for your purpose.

The Holy Spirit is determined to get your part aligned, so you can fulfill your purpose in God's plan for our reawakening.

(I also suggest searching the web for related content like: a massive component of identifying why your Creator wills that you know your purpose is living according to what inspires you.) 

About the Author: JAMES NUSSBAUMER is a thought provoking American author of an ever-developing book series about MAKING LIFE EASIER . To find out everything on LIVING WITH PASSION , visit his website @

Keywords: make your life easier, finding your purpose, course in miracles, no purpose, simplify our lives

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