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The following article was published in our article directory on November 5, 2020.
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Hatha Yoga Poses for Beginners

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Luis Rodriguez

Hatha yoga is the practice of balancing the energies of the sun and moon. The word hatha is translated in two ways. The first one being �willful� or �forceful�. The other meaning of hatha is: ha = sun, tha = moon.
Hatha yoga poses will help you reach a balance between the left and right channels, or the nadis, to arrive at a higher consciousness of life.
Most of the Western forms of yoga can be categorized as Hatha yoga. Physical yoga postures, like the Ashtanga, Iyengar, Vinyasa, and Power yoga classes are all considered as Hatha yoga. Hatha yoga poses are created to help calm and align the body, mind, and spirit, to prepare for meditation.
Hatha Yoga Poses
Here are three of the most basic poses a beginner should learn .
This is also known as the Mountain Pose and is the base for all the standing yoga asanas. It works on all the muscle groups. It is also effective in achieving proper posture. Take note that tadasana should be performed on an empty stomach.
Stand up straight. Your feet should be together, and your toes should be touching each other. Position your heels slightly apart.
Put your hands positioned on both sides of your body. Your thighs should be firm.
Lift your knee but continue to relax your lower stomach.
Ensure that your ankles are straight when you lift them.
Carefully turn your upper thighs inwad, while stretching your tailbone towards the floor. Then lift your pubis towards your navel.
Look straight forward and fix your eyes at a single point for balance.
As you stretch your arms upward, breathe in.
Hold position for 1 minute . Exhale as you release the pose.
This is also known as the Tree Pose. It works on your legs, arms, and back. It helps relieve sciatica, opens up the hips, strengthens your legs, and improves balance.
Stand straight. Position your arms on your sides.
Put your right food on the inside of your left thigh. The sole of your feet should be flat and firm on the root of your thigh. Your left leg should be straight.
Find your balance. Breathe and gently raise your arms over your head. Your palms should meet in Namaste mudra.
Look straight ahead and find a point to maintain balance.
Take long deep breaths as your stretch your body and spine. Relax with every breath.
Slowly bring your hands down to your sides and release your leg.
Repeat this poste with the other leg but rest for a few seconds.
This is also known as Standard Forward Bend. You�ll need to have flexible hips, calves, and hamstrings.
Stand straight up and position your hands on your hips. Exhale, then bend forward while hinging from your hips.
Stretch your body from your hips up to your head as much as you can.
Let your fingertips touch the ground. Then release the back of your head and neck.
Feel your lower body lengthen while you inhale. Then feel your chest reach towards your toes while you exhale.
Hold the position for 1 minute.
Release and put your hands back on your hips. Slowly raise your torso.

About the Author: Hi! I'm Luis. I have been practicing Yoga for the last 10 years and switched over to a Ketogenic diet program at the beginning of 2020. So far, I have lost 30 pounds and three sizes in just a few months. My health and flexibility have been improving exponentially. I hope this blog may be of a help. Visit:

Keywords: vinyasa yoga, karma yoga, flow yoga, yoga symbols, siddha yoga, om yoga, bikram yoga poses, lotus yoga, hatha yoga poses, yoga matters, barefoot yoga, yoga mandala

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