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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on October 27, 2020.
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Benefits of Regular Exercise Routines to Mental Health

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Evelyn Jenkins

You probably already know that having regular exercise routines is good for your body. However, did you know that your mental health can be improved as well?
What are the Mental Benefits of Exercise?
Exercise isn�t only about muscle size and aerobic capacity. Regular exercise may help improve your health and your physique, make you shed excess pounds, and can even delay the signs of aging. And the list still goes on because exercise may be beneficial to your mental health.
May Treat Depression
Studies show that exercise can be used as treatment for mild to moderate depression because it can act as antidepressant. For example, a 15-minute run daily or a 1-hour walk help reduce the risk of major depression. Having a regular exercise schedule may help prevent relapse.
Exercise helps promote all kinds of changes in your brain, including reduce inflammation, neural growth, and new activity patterns that may help promote feelings of calmness. Exercise also releases endorphins which are chemicals that help relieve pain and stress. Endorphins often referred to as happy hormones.
A Good Anti-Anxiety Treatment
Exercise is an effective treatment for anxiety. It helps relieve tension and stress, boost your physical and mental energy, and enhance your overall well-being by releasing endorphins.
As you exercise, practice mindfulness � be aware of the sensation of your feet as they hit the ground or the rhythm of your breath. Doing so will help with your focus .
Relief for Stress
When you are under a lot of stress, your muscles feel tensed, you suffer from back or neck pain, or you suffer from painful headaches. With regular exercise you break the cycle of pain and stress as your body benefits from the release of endorphins. These chemicals help relax your muscles and relieve the pain and tension in your body.
Improves Memory
The same endorphins that help relax your mind and body also help you to focus and feel mentally sharp for whatever tasks you have for the day. Exercise also helps stimulate growth of new brain cells.
Helps with Your Self-Esteem
Regular exercise, if it becomes a habit, will help foster your sense of self-worth because you begin to feel strong and happy. You feel better with your appearance. Even the smallest feat of completing an exercise routine for the day gives you a sense of achievement, boosting your belief in yourself.
Promotes Better Sleep
Regular exercise helps regular your sleep patterns. If you prefer exercising at night, try yoga or gentle stretching exercises to help you sleep soundly.
Increased Energy
After every exercise you may feel more energized. Regular exercise helps boost your immune system and reduce the impact of stressful situations to your body.
You don�t need to get a gym membership for your regular exercise. A few minutes of physical activity will suffice. An easy 5 o 10 minutes of physical activity is okay to get you started.
Make exercise a regular habit and reap the benefits.

About the Author: Evelyn Jenkins an expert when it comes to
Eating Habits, Excercise Routines, and Health Tips.
To find out everything about Eating Habits, Excercise Routines, and Healthy Tips, visit his website at

Keywords: Health Tips, Eating Habits, Excercise Routines

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