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The following article was published in our article directory on October 8, 2020.
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How to Have Peace of Mind always for Manifesting the Life You Want in Truth

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: James Nussbaumer

Here's why how to have peace of mind is your realization within you of the power to manifest the life you want in truth, and you embrace this power.

When you're up against negative inner dialogue due to life challenges how to have peace of mind is crucial.

When life adversities hit us in the face we need to learn how to get inner peace of mind so we may move forward in life.

We need this positive outlook that brings forth a power of manifesting peace and happiness.

It's how you get the life you truly want to live!

How to have peace of mind under the worst of circumstances.

A murder that I witnessed in an adjoining prison cell ultimately proved to me my own strength.

Yes, due to my realization of our mind being naturally abstract, where death is not real.

The mind's concentrated whole essence-- the Oneness of God sustaining everything-- has no separate parts that may die.

In this deep message and in my ever-developing book series, we will be going deeper into our source of conflict.

I mean, how the ego's belief in separation makes us so fearful of death.

The ego in us all is that fearful and doubting aspect that feels it is separate from God--our all-loving Creator.

This fearful aspect in we humans is veiling the truth of death's unreality and interfering with one-mindedness-- which is God.

We call this identification with the ego "wrong-mindedness."

The Course in Miracles gives us a great lesson here: The peace of God is shining in you now and from your heart extends around the world. It pauses to caress each living thing, and leaves a Blessing with it that remains forever and forever. 

How to have peace of mind is knowing the Holy Spirit of God as-one with you.

Yes, Who abides psychologically in a more positive-thinking side of the separated mind. It's like an antivirus software installed in the hard drive of your computer.

I'm saying that guides us out of separation and all its darkness.

This realization within you is how you manifest the life you want in truth, and you embrace this power to do so.

In my 3rd book of the series called, And Then I Knew My Abundance, we studied ways to identify with the "right mind."

Yes, by shining our Light of Truth, or Holy Spirit-- on our errors and fears.

You will learn how to tap into your true essence: the Christ Mind, which is the real divine "you."

You will begin realizing without fear the bridge the Holy Spirit has built for you.

Sure, from perception over to knowledge, where you will find that every individual you encounter becomes either a witness for the Christ in you, or for the ego in you.

You will find it's okay to let the Holy Spirit reinterpret the world for you.

I mean, instead of relying on the ego's interpretation.

So how to have peace of mind  you will build confidence. That is by knowing that your success in putting out darkness in your life grows by putting the ego behind you.

Certainly, is guaranteed by God.

While you are here in a body, the ego will be with you. But you will have the power to render it a follower, manifesting only in unreal fussing.

Of course, rather than what truly leads you.

The ego's nonexistence can never truly match the Truth in you.

You will learn to be more comfortable in knowing, not guessing or perceiving, that the body is merely a temporary structure.

One that is projected by the separated mind, but is used as a communication device by the Holy Spirit.

When the body's interpretation is left to the Holy Spirit rather than the ego, you will understand health.

Whenever you are upset or confused about a life situation that has you in the dumps use these words in meditation or prayer: Let me recognize my problems have already been solved.

And I mean as the natural state of everything that is real. You will understand sickness as illusion.

An idol, you will come to find out, is a false impression, and this will lead to how to have peace of mind.

The ego is a false belief that constitutes space between the Christ Mind and what you think you see.

You're going to realize why you will never be content with such illusion. Likewise, the real truth in why you must be careful what you wish for.

To master your own spiritual freedom you must discover that what stands beyond these dreams is your real and natural self.

Oh, yes, which requires your whole mind to join with other minds; this is how peace is obtained.

The willingness for how to have peace of mind is genuine here.

You must have genuine interpretations, too.

By sharing your interpretations with the Holy Spirit abiding in your right-mind, you sort out the false within you; and thus spiritual freedom is realized.

I invite you to use my book series as a stepping stone onto that bridge from perception to knowledge.

It is where you cross over to the realization of your spiritual freedom being the realm where we do not allow the world's illusion to become our illusions.

The Course in Miracles also give us this profound lesson: Why wait for Heaven? Those who seek the Light are merely covering their eyes. The Light is in them now. Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all. 

As I conclude, try to see the Holy Spirit of God-- Who abides psychologically in a more positive-thinking side of the separated mind helping us undo the ego.

Again, like an antivirus software installed in the hard drive of your computer-- guides us out of separation and all its darkness.

When the body's interpretation is left to the Holy Spirit rather than the ego, you will understand health as the natural state of everything that is real.

To master how to have peace of mind you must discover that what stands beyond these dreams is your real and natural self.

As well, which requires your whole mind to join with other minds; this is how peace is obtained.

About the Author: JAMES NUSSBAUMER is a thought provoking American author of an ever-developing book series about HAVING PEACE OF MIND . To find out everything about LIVE HAPPIER , visit his website @

Keywords: how to have peace of mind, power of manifesting peace, course in miracles, in the dumps

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