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The following article was published in our article directory on October 16, 2020.
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3 Best-Selling Coconut Merchandise You Need to Try

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Storeparade

If you�ve been reading on health and beauty, you�ve surely come across some of the best-selling coconut merchandise. But while you�re thinking of trying a few, you feel overwhelmed�with so many choices, which ones should go for? Well, there�s three that you definitely shouldn�t miss out on.
Coconut Oil
Considered a superfood, coconut oil is among the best sources of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). What this means is that you�re getting a unique kind of lipid that�s more likely to be used for energy production instead of simply being stored as fat.
Aside from keeping your waistline trim, coconut oil may help improve your cardiovascular health. Scientific experts around the world have noticed that populations that consume it on a daily basis tend to have fewer cases of heart disease and other related conditions.
What makes coconut oil really amazing though, is how versatile it is. If you�re having problems with dry skin, just apply the oil and you�ll soon feel its moisturizing effect. Worried about sun-damaged hair? Putting some coconut oil on your mane should reduce the harm brought by UV rays.
Coconut Flour
Mostly known to people allergic to gluten or have celiac disease, coconut flour is more than just another substitute to wheat. Its nutrition profile, for example, outshines those of other flours�low carb, high protein, and loaded with fiber. Of course, it also has MCTs that anyone will definitely appreciate.
If you�re among those with blood sugar problems, you�ll be glad to know that coconut flour may actually prevent spikes in glucose levels. This is made possible by the wheat-alternative�s soluble fiber content, which ensures that sugar is converted and released in a slow, gradual manner.
A word of advice though�don�t try to just straight out substitute coconut flour for other kinds of flour. It works fairly differently from grain, and you�ll have to use a smaller amount. When a recipe calls for a cup of all-purpose flour, for example, only add a quarter of a cup of coconut flour.
Activated Charcoal
Surely you�ve heard about activated charcoal, but you probably didn�t know that there�s such a thing as activated coconut charcoal. Most other types of activated charcoal come from wood scrap, peat, and petroleum byproducts�not the safest sounding assortment of materials, right?
Besides, activated charcoal that comes from coconut shells typically has finer, more uniform particles, meaning it has better absorbency. Remember that this powder works by binding with toxins and microbes, making it easier to flush them out before they can do any harm.
Other uses of activated coconut charcoal include lowering cholesterol, preventing hangovers, and alleviating gastric upset. Do keep in mind, however, that it can also bind with medication. Never take your medicine or even your vitamins together with activated charcoal.
The Smart Choice
So which of these best-selling coconut merchandise are you thinking of picking up? Or maybe, you�re even planning to purchase all three now�and there�s nothing wrong with that. In fact, with the many benefits that can be had from these products, it�s hard not to.

About the Author:

Storeparade is a collection of 5 e-stores where customers can compare and shop products from a certain collection listed on Amazon and eBay in ONE place, and at the same time receive excellent, fast and reliable customer service.To visit their coconut store, go to Coconut P@r@de.

Keywords: coconut,best coconut water,best coconut flour,best coconut products,best selling coconut merchandise

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