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The following article was published in our article directory on September 21, 2020.
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Being More Positive Tools and Tips for Bringing Forth Miraculous Events in Your Life

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: James Nussbaumer

We've all found that being more positive can genuinely guide us to turn our lives around; but so many still hang on to scarcity and lack.

Let's truly see why great things like miracles in life are manifested by our optimistic outlook.

It's proven over and over that positive things in life seem to find those successful people with great goals and habits.

But the optimistic outlook I'm talking about means real and true reflective thought, as described below.

In this detailed article for a better life I'll touch on a few areas about favorable thinking in life.

I'll begin with a discussion why even the doubters of the world are learning to be more optimistic.

Then in part two we shall explore the choices in self identity and connecting with society.

Sure, being in our power to live the life we want in happiness and success.

That will bring us to the final section where we look at ongoing great habits for wonderful health.

Even the doubting Thomas's of the world are being more positive.

You may discount it and call it a fantasy however deep down you understand it's really the truth.

Why? Let me explain.

If you truly consider we all assume were going to awaken tomorrow early morning, right?

Or if we're going through a demanding time we all understand and have realized the old adage "there's light at the end of the tunnel?"

Or when this life is over, you will go on to a much better level of life? Is this not likewise favorable thinking?

Keep in mind this lesson from the Course in Miracles I'd received from many of the course's spiritual metaphysical principles: (I say this works for the action taker): I use positive thinking and beliefs to manifest a positive life and I have the power to create a reality I can call my own:

Sure you might think a few of the buzz or teachings of a guru that came along your path, seem too-far-out-there, or airy, tough-to-believe, if you will.

However deep down you do feel that there is something there working for you and assisting you in your life.

My brother in light, the late Wayne W. Dyer, composed brilliantly in his book the Power of Intention, that optimistic outlook is associated to the miracle.

Positive attitude and thoughts could be broken down into a few action procedure of practicing self-awareness, attaining "magnificent manifesting power. "

Or, Wayne Dyer added, God's power  for oneself, and removing and avoiding all negativeness in life.

What you think about you bring in into your life.

Dyer wrote that Miracle-Mindedness was simply how you believed in something, you could make it take place.

This power of manifestation is actually just the power of faith used in conjunction with your actions.

Thoughts are where your power comes from.

Even professionals and business individuals use the power of positive idea to establish individual power or acquire a competitive edge over the marketplace.

Take example the late Steve Jobs and all the manifestations he has that live on and benefitting the world.

How would you say he believed daily, "Right-Mindedly" or "Wrong-Mindedly"?

Do you think somebody like him just beings in the corner drawing his thumb thinking adversely wondering if his new idea is going to work?

Or does he simply go all out with a positive attitude?

Due to the fact that he's been effective he afforded to make mistakes and it didn't matter, now you might believe.

How did he and other individuals get to the top when they began off with nothing?


Since all they had in the beginning was the power of being more positive, the momentum kept going.

Nothing, but them and their thoughts.

You might be believing that all seems so easy, so why isn't everybody doing it.

The thing is we're surrounded by TV, motion pictures and other things pumping all the negative things to us.

It's easy to take all this is and believe the worlds going to the fury of hell real fast! 

How can you be more favorable today?

Try to continuously fill your mind with favorable powerful ideas. The power of idea is a magnificent power that is constantly forming our life whether you want it to or not.

Negative thoughts just chip away at your self-confidence leaving you feeling vulnerable, powerless, and vulnerable to yet more negative attitude and this brings you further and further down.

Keep in mind people always value being around a favorable individual.

Sure, but no one wants to be around a complainer and an unfavorable thinker. Deep down we know that's not the way we were implied to be.

If you actually believe we all presume were going to wake up tomorrow early morning, ask again?

I'm saying, being more positive about YOU draws THAT in into your life.

Even experts and organization individuals grab the power of positive idea to establish personal power or gain a competitive edge over the market.

How would you say these people think daily, "Positive" or "Negative"?

It's easy to take all this is and believe the world is going to hell and you feel lost about what to do with your life.

This type of scarcity mindset only leads to more and more wrong-minded thoughts piling on.

(I also recommend seeking out related articles on: what to do when you're thinking 'Not sure what to do with my Life':)

Remember, it is all about your power of choice in self-awareness.

About the Author: JAMES NUSSBAUMER is a thought provoking American author of an ever-developing book series about BEING MORE POSITIVE . To find out everything about FINDING HAPPINESS , visit his website @

Keywords: being more positive, great goals and habits, live the life we want, course in miracles

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