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The following article was published in our article directory on July 4, 2020.
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Homeschool Supplies: What You�ll Need To Get Started

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Dr. Pat Bracy

Whether you�re new to homeschooling or just looking to make sure that your children have everything they need to get a good education at home, it can be difficult to create your own checklist of homeschool supplies. This is especially the case when you�re on a budget.
So here�s a list that can help you get started.
Student Supplies
1. Notebooks and paper
Your students will need notebooks and different kinds of paper. They�ll need lined paper for essays and writing exercises. Graph paper will be handy for math exercises. It�s conventionally used for plotting data and graphs of function. However, it can be handy for younger students who want to keep certain numbers aligned when solving equations or just doing basic multiplication.
2. Writing Implements
You�ll need pencils, pens, and erasers. Get dry erase markers as well.
3. Arts and Crafts supplies
Many young children like to explore their creative side and having supplies that enable them to do so will make for a well-rounded homeschool education.
Supplies under this category include: paint and brushes, crayons, scissors, colored markers, construction paper, and glue.
4. Visual Teaching Aids
Decorate the learning space with information-packed images such as a wall map. You can even get a globe that will make learning about geography and culture all the more appealing.
5. Books
It�s important to nurture a love for reading so make sure your shelves (or boxes) are stocked with a variety of good books for your students to read.
Teacher Supplies
1. Laminator
Some of the things you�ll be using to teach your kids such as flash cards, multiplication charts, grammar charts, and tables will see frequent use. It can help to laminate them so that they�ll last a while and you won�t have to constantly buy or print new ones.
2. Dry Erase Boards
These are crucial for homeschooling because they let you write or draw and easily erase. They�re multi-function and reusable so they�re worth the price. You�ll need a large one for yourself and if budget allows, a smaller version for every child you�re teaching at home.
3. Printer Ink
You�re going to be printing out a lot of material for lessons.
4. Flash cards or index cards
Flash cards can have various uses including vocabulary building, math drills, and memorization. Index cards let you make teaching tools from scratch.
5. Organization Tools
You�re going to need boxes and file folders for record keeping and to store things such as index cards. You�ll also need some staples, staplers, ring binders, clips, hole puncher, and a wall calendar and planner.
6. Prize Box
You can make learning more fun by offering rewards for your students completing certain tasks without complaining. Positive reinforcement works wonders.
7. Curriculum
You might want to get a readymade curricula as well if you�re unsure as to how to approach making lesson plans. You can purchase these from homeschool organizations. You can of course develop your own while keeping state requirements and your student goals in mind but if you need a little help, you can check out some readymade ones for guidance.
If you�re starting a homeschool program to keep your children safe, COVID-19 free and still engaged in their education, this list can help when you�re not sure which supplies to get. Of course, your needs may be different. Your children�s interests may also be different so make changes as necessary.

About the Author: Pat is an expert when it comes to Home Schooling. Visit his sites here:
ongoing Schooling

Keywords: Homeschooling; How To Set Up Homeschool; Laws for Homeschooling; Homeschool supplies; Homeschool Preparation; Homeshcool for all ages; Homeschool for pre-K and kindergarden; home school for elementary school; homeschool for middle school; home school for junior high; home school for high school; keep your children safe COVIS-19

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