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The following article was published in our article directory on December 26, 2019.
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UX Copywriters What Is UX Writing & Why Is It Important For Your Business

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Mia Gordon

Some people are saying there's a brand-new job in town.

That's the job of a UX Copywriter (me) (before I had a name for what I REALLY do).

I say that the function of a UX Writer has been around for years in my world as an online entrepreneur, but the role has only recently been labeled.

The term UX writer has been popping up with increasing frequency. Google's looking. Amazon's paying attention. Dropbox, Paypal ... a number of the huge names in tech are now searching for User Experience Writers.

It may seem like a fad, and an ambiguous one at that, but writing-focused user experience designers are becoming a critical part of the way we develop content for customer experience from here on in.

How I discovered I was a UX Copywriter (after I'd already been one for 15 years)

I was a UX copywriter long before the term was coined. I wrote my book Copywriting Essentials For Content Marketing with UX writing in mind. Every site I create or optimize is tailored towards user experience and conversions founded on customer satisfaction.

UX writers who are being paid to write salescopy or product descriptions often feel frustration trying to explain to clients what they needed to do to improve conversion rates onsite, and lower the cost of their ad clicks, but are seen as writers and not conversion specialsists.

The reality is that the expectation of producing high converting copy for businesses - e.g. Google or Facebook ads, results are highly dependent on the quality of landing pages and user experience onsite.

I know what it's like trying to explain what the heck I do to people, and what it SO important to get right - is tricky - that was until the term UX Copywriter arrived!

Naturally I am thrilled that people are talking about this, and comprehending that writing good copy and UX are really closely connected to and actually very dependant on each other.

In the last year, I have seen a lot of listings at Amazon, Google, and a couple of other smaller gamers, all calling for UX Writers.

Companies need to focus on UX in their copy

Companies are recognizing that copywriting strategy should not only arrive on the marketing departments desk, but also the website designers and the desk of the sales team too. As a UX Copywriter, I think about user interface copy, calls-to-action, all the little bits of text I've worked on throughout the years amongst so many teams, and am delighter that our time has finally come.

Businesses are realising that it's not just good copy dotted around the web that gets us traffic then automatically produces sales. The reality of user experience starts at the first connection point with a potential customer, but is a multi layer, multi stage experience. We need to earn trust and satisfy our audiences from start right through to post sale support and beyond. We have to do better than ever before to be extraordinary and earn our customer relationships.

We can talk with machines to purchase groceries (well, I can, here in New Zealand). We ask a robot on the phone to examine our account balances. We can switch on a video game by asking the XBox. And in virtual reality, where we can't touch anything, our voices can do what our hands might not be able to.

There's an increasing quantity of overlap between graphical user interfaces (GUI) and voice interface (VUI), which requires a new skillset: user experience professionals with deep understanding of narrative design and conversational style.

Let's take a look at what UX writing is (and isn't), what companies are searching for in these writers, and basic best practices for the discipline.

What actaully is UX writing?

I've spent the past couple of months researching how people feel about this emerging role; I've been collecting job descriptions and speaking with existing UX writers, attempting to wrap my head around it. I'm pleased where I've landed.

Based on my research study around task descriptions and discussions with real life UX writers, I've determined that at its most basic, UX writing is the act of composing copy for user-facing touchpoints. This copy should not just embody the voice of the organization, but should also be helpful and actionable for the user.

After digging through a couple of job descriptions for UX writer roles, there are definitely some typical descriptions.


Across the board, UX writers appear to be full-fledged members of the user experience - UX - team, and are expected to carry out user and audience research as part of any user centric design process.

Here's an example from one job description from a digital agency:

"Unpack consumer insights, and iterate on the material and the overall style to produce innovative products and functions."

Writing effective and engaging content/sales copy (of course).

It shouldn't come as a surprise, that writing is pretty core as the role of UX writer. As a UX copywriter you need to be able to write innovative, stunning, unforgettable and effective copy, combining creative motivation with creative management to introduce new ideas and experiences to the world.

Partnership with the team

Like I said earlier, anyone writing content for a website or offsite promotions should understand their audience inside and out. They should be talking to the salesteam, be looking at website tracking data to see what content people are interacting with AND most interested in.

Are the visitors a writer brings to a website happy and satified - if not, everyone needs to figure out why. There is no point in creating more of the same sort of content if it's not doing it's job well.

Construct and plan an editorial strategy.
Develop and design a content strategy.
Compose highly relevent and useful marketing copy.
Create user friendly training products
UX writing duties are required for a variety of reasons. Can an organization justify working with someone who just writes user interface copy, when they they can hire a cross-functional staff member who can build a multi-dimensional, measureable content marketing plan that is ever improving.

It's important to distinguish UX writers from a couple of other kinds of roles. There hasn't been much official training for UX writing, but I am currently working on a course that offers exactly that.

The function of UX writer ought to not be confused with the following jobs:

Technical writers-- who write for clarity and precision initially, not experience.
Material strategists-- who plan for content on a grand scale, they don't always write content.
Info Architects-- who concentrate on and construct sustainable info structures and taxonomies.
Online marketers-- who concentrate on sales techniques to draw in new people to a service or product and convince people to buy.
What are business looking for in a UX writer?
Ok, so now that we understand what UX writers do, and why this role will become increasingly recognised as essential, let's take a look at a few qualities that business are seeking in UX writers.

What is a UX Writer?

I could write a technical description here that sounds like a job offer description, but as a successful UX Copywriter myself, (who excelled at English and "professional writing"), I can say that none of the traditional training helped me. What I call successful, and more importantly what my clients call a wining formula, has everything to do with understanding a whole lot of things (factors) about market you are trying to connect with.

Most of these people are NOT college professors, they don't care about your writing skills, they care about what they want, need to want to avoid.

They want you to give them what they want, whether that is an experience or solving an problem, or selling them something cool. It's not about you - it's ALL about them. Your job as a UX writer is to show them you can give your reader value from day one.

In other words, UX writers are strolling into an environment where absolutely nothing is standardized, they need to be able to track and measure everything, and understand the process - both emotional and logical - that buyers go through.

Top 10 Traits Of Good UX Content Writers:

Customer Centric
Aware Of They Own Biases
Language & Tribe Research
Value Centric
Not Scared Of Elephants
Clear And Concise
Consistent and Congruent
Qualification – Talking To The Right People
They use checklists And USP's (Unique selling propositions)
UX Writers Aren't Going Anywhere.

As we see deeper connections and innovation in our social and daily lives, we will see a deeper requirement for storytellers, individuals who are intuitively proficient at understanding what content people want to engage with, and when.

UX writing is an interesting role, and it's awesome that writers like us now have the opportunity to bring their narrative experience to the tech table.

Businesses hiring UX writers are looking for people who have actually had formal training in journalism, technical writing, imaginative writing, interactions,

The UX writer function is a new one, and one that many companies may not have specifically specified but are increasing becoming aware they need!

About the Author: Mia Gordon is a UX Copywriter, Author of Copywriting Essentials For Content Marketing: How To Write Copy That Sells Without Selling and founder of a website with training dedicated to UX experience and writing awesome copy.

Keywords: UX copywriting, copywriting,adcopy, writing, blogging,ecommerce,copywriting course

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