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The following article was published in our article directory on September 19, 2019.
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Simon Irvine Releases an Electronic Masterpiece

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Music Talks

Simon Irvine has always had a passion for music, whether it be to create, listen to or collecting. He describes his first memories of music came from the sounds of Simon and Garfunkel, Neil Diamond and Boney M, cranking up the volume on the home stereo.
When his primary school teacher handed him his first guitar, the road to creativity was set and there was no turning back.

Simon's love for the diversity of music genres only grew with the likes of hip hop from The Message, and to his delight, electronic music was introduced by artists and bands such as New Order and the Eurythmics.

"I Devour all sorts of music and have gathered everything from Sepultura to John Coltrane to Depeche Mode to Gustav Mahler and everything in between", states Simon.

However, his life has not always allowed the creativity and space needed to develop. After playing in bands, orchestra's and ensembles; as with many artists and musicians, life gets in the way and their deepest passions come to a grinding holt.

In 2014 after dealing with major health issues, the realization of the importance of doing what you love became evident.

Simon Irvine returned to his music and began recording in 2015 which led to his first published recordings on YouTube. In 2016 he was introduced to the mighty, 'Man With Glasses' band, which he describes as a major breakthrough.
It was not long after, he signed with Pink Dolphin Music and released his debut EP Pluralism and Album, Metaphors.

On 20th September, Simon releases his second full length album, Ritual Music, which has been described as a modern underground masterpiece.

Simon has since been releasing his music with Pink Dolphin Music (based in the UK) along with a prolific SoundCloud profile, since 2017.
He lives in Australia and typically creates an Electronica/synth pop hybrid with a dark edge.

Ritual Music features many instrumentals including help from featured artist Rusty Keys and a collaboration with American producer Bufinjer.
The album also features a track with vocal work from fellow Australian Colleen Peterson and a remix by UK's Screamershock.

The artwork was specially made for this album including the apocalyptic gas mask on the front by Shedquartercreations' Scott Bourke.

On the track, 'Watching', Simon Say's; Watching (featuring Rusty Keys) speaks of longing for something that can never be yours. I wanted to juxtapose splendour and melancholy in the sound design and I was fortunate that Rusty was able to enhance the track with his wonderfully retro synth interlude...Hear & Read more on Music Talks.

About the Author: Music Talks Top Indie Music Blog Australia. Indie artists write their story. New music weekly, Music Reviews, interviews, music promotion, marketing & more. Visit Article www.MUSICTALKS.XYZ.

Keywords: New Music, Indie Music, Indie Artists, Rock Music, Electronic Music, Indie Pop, EDM, Dance Music, Country Music, Folk Music, Indie Music Blogs Australia, Sydney Music Blogs, Songs, New Songs, Discover New Indie Music, Submit Your Music, Top Indie Music Blog, Music, New Indie Music, Indie Music Website, Independent Music, Musicians, Best Music Blogs Australia, Top Music Blogs, Music Tips, Social Media Tips for indie musicians, Alternative Music, Music Promotion, Promote Your Music, Music Marketing, Marketing Your Music, Indie Genre, Indie Music Promotion, Best Indie Music Blog, Top Indie Music Blogs

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