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The following article was published in our article directory on June 1, 2018.
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Yoni Massage - Tantric Massage For The Modern Woman

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Forever Tantric

It's about time that women enjoyed tantric massage and sexual pleasure and our aim at Forever Tantric is to make vaginal massage {seem|appear} more {mainstream|conventional|well known|common|widespread}, the term that the pros are {using|utilizing} is 'yoni massage'. {In case|In the event|Just in case} you're {wondering|asking yourself|speculating|being curious}, yoni is Sanskrit (classical Indian {language|dialect}) for the vulva and {means|implies|indicates|suggests} '{sacred|spiritual} {portal|gateway}.' {{Indeed|Certainly|Undoubtedly} it is.
A Yoni massage {helps|assists} {release|unleash} any of the {emotions|feelings} that {have|have actually} been '{stuck|caught|trapped}' down there, it {also|likewise} {helps|assists} {clients|customers} {discover|find} {a new|a brand-new} {area|location} in their {vagina|vaginal area} that feels {good|great|excellent}. you can be {especially|particularly|specifically} {inspired|influenced|motivated} by the {concept|idea|principle} of {sacred|spiritual} sexuality. It's {an ancient|an old|an age-old} {idea|concept} that is lost on {many|numerous|lots of} Westerners. It's the {idea|concept} of approaching {a woman|a lady|a female}'s body-- {particularly|especially} her {vagina|vaginal area}-- with {a sense|a feeling|a spirit|an understanding} of {worship|veneration}.
The {vagina|vaginal area} is called yoni in Sanskrit and {loosely|generally} {{translates|equates} to|means|equates to} "{a sacred|a spiritual} {space|area}." In Tantra {philosophy|viewpoint|approach}, we approach the {vagina|vaginal area} from {a place|a location} of the utmost love and {respect|regard}. Yoni massage is {a practice|a technique|a training} {intended|meant|planned} to {truly|really|genuinely} honour {a woman|a lady|a female}, to {give|provide|offer} her {selfless|generous} {pleasure|enjoyment|satisfaction}, and to {explore|check out} the {sacred|spiritual} side of our sexuality.
This {isn't|isn't really} about having one {orgasm|sexual climax}. It's about {{trying|attempting} to|attempting to|aiming to} feel {more and more|increasingly more|much more|increasingly} {pleasure|enjoyment|satisfaction} that will {become|end up being} waves of {multiple|several|numerous} orgasms throughout the massage. It {can be|could be|might be} done alone, or done by a partner, either {individually|separately} or as foreplay to {lovemaking|sex}.
It's {especially|particularly|specifically} {beneficial|advantageous|useful|helpful} for {women|ladies|females} who {have|have actually} {never|never ever} had orgasms.
Yoni massage {allows|enables|permits} you time to {slowly|gradually} explore your body in a more {sensual|sensuous} {way|method}. It can {also|likewise} {help|assist} {women|ladies|females} who have one orgasm and feel {finished|completed|ended up} to {achieve|accomplish|attain} {multiple|several|numerous} orgasms. It can be {very|extremely|really} {healing|recovery} for those who {have|have actually} suffered sexual {trauma|injury} in their past, {because|since|due to the fact that} the {approach|method|technique} and {technique|method|strategy} is {all about|everything about} {{giving|providing|offering} to|offering to|providing to} the {woman|lady|female}-- making her feel {loved|liked|enjoyed}, {cherished|treasured|valued}, worshiped, and honoured.

The {5|Five} Yoni Massage Techniques.
{Once|When|As soon as} you've warmed your body up with a breast massage and nipple stimulation, {{move|relocation} on|proceed|carry on} to the yoni massage.
1. {Circling|Circling around}.
Circle the {tip|end|very end} of the clitoris with the {tip|end} of your finger to {stimulate|promote} {arousal|stimulation}, {varying|changing} from {smaller|smaller sized} circles to {larger|bigger} ones. Alternate the pressure from light to heavy.
2. {Pushing|Pressing} and pulling.
{{Push|Press} down|Lower} on the clitoris and make {small|little} push and pull strokes, {and then|and after that|then} {slide|move} your finger down the shaft of the clitoris. Do this on both sides of the shaft, {keeping in mind|bearing in mind|remembering} that some {women|ladies|females} are more {sensitive|delicate} on one part of the clitoris than another.
3. {Tugging|Pulling} and rolling.
To {tug|pull} the clitoris, pull it {gently|carefully} {away from|far from} the body by {grasping|holding} at the sides and {tugging|pulling} {back and forth|backward and forward}. You can {also|likewise} move lower and {tug|pull} the sides of the lips. Keep {varying|differing} strokes from the top of the clitoris to down to the lips. To roll the clitoris, start by holding it {firmly|securely|strongly} and rolling {between|in between} the thumb and the {index finger|forefinger}-- {kind of|type of|sort of} like you're making {a tiny|a small} violin {motion|movement} with your fingers.
4. Tapping.
{Using|Utilizing} {one or more|several} fingers, tap the clitoris in {varying|differing} rhythms from {fast|quick} to slow to {learn|discover} {what|exactly what} the body {{responds|reacts} to|reacts to} {most|many|a lot of|the majority of}.
5. G-spot massage.
To {find|discover} the G-spot, curve your {first} {two|2} fingers like the letter C and {slide|move} them into the {vagina|vaginal area}. {Feel for|Understanding of} a soft, spongy piece of skin behind the clitoris. You can massage it by making a come hither {movement|motion} with your curved fingers. {Vary|Differ} {between|in between} {fast|quick} and {slow|sluggish} strokes. You can {also|likewise} tickle the clit {simultaneously|at the same time|concurrently|all at once} at the {tip|suggestion|idea|pointer}, or {place|location} pressure on or above the pubic bone.
{Make sure|Ensure|Make certain} to {{mix|blend} up|blend} all the above and {vacillate|dither} {between|in between} {stimulating|promoting} the clitoris in the {various|different|numerous} {ways|methods}, while {also|likewise} {involving|including} the G-spot and nipples.

You can take a tantra class and {learn|discover|find out} {some of|a few of} this {but|however} {nothing|absolutely nothing} can match having {a talented|a skilled|a gifted} and {beautiful|gorgeous|stunning|lovely} tantric masseuse or {handsome|good-looking} masseur do this for you. {A professional|An expert} Yoni Massage is {a gift|a present} to yourself.

Book your Yoni Massage today with the London Team at Forever Tantric. You can find out more about this amazing massage here -

And don't forget to check out who is available to offer you your Yoni Massage, you'll be delighted that you did!

About the Author: Forever Tantric is an expert when it comes to Yoni Massage, Yoni Tantric Massage, Yoni Tantric Massage London. To find out everything about Yoni Massage, Yoni Tantric Massage, Yoni Tantric Massage London, visit his website at

Keywords: yoni massage, yoni tantric massage, yoni tantric massage London

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