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The following article was published in our article directory on December 1, 2017.
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Still Trying To figure Out Social Media?

Article Category: Marketing

Author Name: Music

Small business owners, entrepreneurs, smart musicians/artists and marketers everywhere are hopping on social media. And I am often posting about the use of social media and trying to offer tips in so many ways, either via video tips, our free emags, through social media itself etc.

And with good reason: there are at least 2.3 billion people regularly using social media. That means there is a good chance that your target market is there in very large numbers. There's also a good chance your competitors are already there. So why aren't many artists still using it correctly?

What does this all mean? It means you need to be on social media too.

Most businesses and artists know this (including you). Maybe you've even tried to do this whole social media thing, but it's not working out for you. You're not getting the traction you wanted when you post. Or maybe your "likes" and "follows" aren't turning into real traffic to your site, sales and/or fans.

If that sounds familiar, it's not your fault. This whole social media thing is largely unexplored territory for most people. And trying to harness it for your music and business use can end up being a time-consuming case of trial and error. Most people make the same mistakes—and their social media marketing strategies suffer dearly for it.

Check the list below--are you making any of these mistakes?

1. Using the wrong social media platforms.

There are hundreds of social media sites out there, but only a handful of them are worth using. And of that handful, only a couple of them are right for your specific audience and business.

Do you know which social media platforms are best for you?

For example:
Do you know which social media sites are GREAT for traffic, and which ones aren't?
Do you know which social media sites are best for building brand awareness and authority in your market?
Do you know which social media platforms your specific audience prefers and uses every day?
Do you know which social media platform you absolutely must use if you own a local business?
Don't worry if you don't know the answers to these questions. But first, here's the next mistake...

2. Posting the wrong kind of content.

Engagement is the key to social media –but most people post content that hardly gets any likes, comments or shares. They don't get any viral traction. And they certainly don't get any traffic, subscribers, fans or sales.

Do you know the secrets of posting the right kind of content? I'm talking highly engaging content that your audience reacts to.

Do you know the best time to post this content? (Hint: Some times are better for likes, some times of the day are better when you want shares.)

Knowing the answers to these types of questions is one of the keys to creating a highly engaged social media platform.
But first, check if you're making this common social media mistake...

3. Implementing a strategy that takes way too much time.

Most people think social media is a huge time suck for little reward. It can be, if you don't have a good strategy. If you're spending hours a day and not seeing traffic, subscribers, sales or other results, then it's time to tweak your strategy.

Do you know the secrets of getting a big return on a small investment of time with your social media strategy?

Do you know which are the best tools to use to quickly and easily create content and post it on a regular schedule?

If any of the questions posed above left you a little curious, here's some good news: you're about to discover what really works when it comes to social media.

Introducing our social media blueprint, which is your guide to harnessing the power of social media to build your brand, drive traffic, and generate sales. I had to do something and put together something which I thought would really help, as I'm still seeing artists and business struggle and doing the same thing and not getting those results.

Who is this blueprint for?

It's for anyone who needs to promote a product, service, cause or idea. This includes small business owners (both online and offline), entrepreneurs, freelancers, coaches, speakers, freelancers, authors, musicians and anyone else who's looking to grow their business and their audience.

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll discover inside this guide:....See full article on Music Talks

About the Author: Music Talks Top Music Website, Indie Music Blog voted as one of the Top Music Websites. An indie music blog, artists write their own stories, new music weekly, music tips, music & social media tips, courses and so much more. Visit Article MUSICTALKS.

Keywords: Australian Music Blog, Sydney Music Blogs, Songs, New Songs,Discover New Music, Submit Your Music, Indie Music Blog, Music, New Music, Music Website, Independent Music, Musicians, Top Best Music Blogs, Best Music Blogs, Music Tips, Social Media Tips, Alternative Music, Music Promotion, Music Marketing, Marketing Your Music, Indie Genre, Hot Music, Playlists, Indie Playlist, Indie Mixtapes, Music Videos, Videos, Facebook Hacks, Twitter Hacks, Instagram Hacks

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