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The following article was published in our article directory on November 23, 2017.
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What Does Good Health Mean for You?

Article Category: Lifestyle

Author Name: JW Steward

Many people believe that not getting sick is being healthy. People also believe that the absence of disease is proof that one is in good health.

However, 2017 WHO statistics negate these beliefs with reports on shorter life expectancy. Another report by the American Psychological Association shows a high level of stress for adults, with 80% work related.

If one believes that being free from illness and disease indicates health, then why do people die young? And, why is there an increase in the number of adults experiencing work-related stress?

You cannot help wonder if something is amiss.

What you need to know about health

Different people may view health in different ways. But, it is a fact that good health is at the core of living a long and active life. Consider the following truths about health:

Health encompasses not only your physical health but also your mental and social well-being.
Health is a significant resource for you to live long and have a full life.
Factors that affect your health include genes, your environment, relationships and education
You achieve health through a balanced exercise, nutritious diet, a regular medical checkup for disease, and how you manage life�s challenges.

As you can see, health involves your totality: how you think, how you feel, and how physically fit you are.

The health triad

The factors that affect the state of your health could be many. However, the three that weigh heavily on people are physical health, emotional health, and mental health. Further, the three are not separate aspects but affect one another. Achieving a healthy mind is difficult without a healthy body. And an unhealthy body affects your emotional health.

Physical health

A body is in perfect physical condition if all your body parts are:

in their natural place
not manifesting a disease
functioning as they should
working harmoniously

An ideal condition, don�t you think so? But, what if you catch a cold or get sick with flu? Does it mean being unhealthy?

And, here is another fact. Getting sick and catching a cold is normal for a person. Health experts say that getting sick is good for our immune system, and keeps it in a ready state to counter viruses.

Mental health

Talking about good mental health refers to your capability to perceive, understand, think, evaluate, and remember. We do not include mental disorders but to one�s ability to use mental faculties.

And, how do you know if you have good mental health? Check the following indicators:

a mental aptitude which is near or above social average
the ability to see things as they are, not the way you think things are
reasonable ability to evaluate and judge right from wrong or good from bad
the ability to remember and recall information learned or gathered from the environment through your senses

Often, people do not realize when the mental health is failing. When your mind is affected, you fail to reason and judge objectively. You only get to realize that your mental health is failing when things go wrong.

Emotional health

Perhaps, of the three, emotional health is the most difficult to understand and control. Emotions come from the brain and not from the heart, as we would like to believe. The memories, experiences, and learning stored in the brain are released when you respond to a stimulus.

An emotional response becomes a problem when carried to the extreme. For instance, when a loved one dies, it is normal to feel sad. But, feeling depressed and allowing this depression to drag on for weeks and months is no longer healthy.

You are emotionally healthy if you:
exhibit the correct emotional response to a stimulus
express thoughts appropriate to the emotions experienced
regulate or control your mental and physical response spurred by an emotion
Being in good health requires a lifelong commitment to living a healthy lifestyle. Do not wait for you to get sick or stressed before you decide for a lifestyle change. Aim for a balanced physical, mental, and emotional health to achieve your fullest potential as a person.

About the Author: Your Healthy Living Educator,
JW Steward

Keywords: Healthy Living, Health, Healthy Eating, Healthy Lifestyle

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