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The following article was published in our article directory on July 19, 2017.
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Article Category: Advice
Author Name: Linda Clay
Here's a well-known secret that successful marketers know – People no longer buy products.
They buy YOU.
They buy your personality.
They buy your experience.
They buy who you are.
They are buy your unique qualities that only you possess.
Gone are the days of corporate-looking logo and slick catalog that was commonly used for 'branding' instead in today's online world, the real value comes from not appearing to be a huge company, but rather .. in just being YOU. The key is really to let your personality shine through in a variety of ways.
Your Voice Is Uniquely Yours!
What instantly identifies you to your audience is plain and simple .. YOU!
It's how you speak. It's how you write and even how you act on camera or in an audio interview. It makes for a one heck of a powerful connection.
If you pay attention to what you see when you scroll through your Facebook Newsfeed, you see this totally in action!
You hear all the voices through the colors, the images and the words that the different individuals use. They are uniquely their own.
Here's another little secret tidbit, one that is and will be an important aspect of your voice – YOUR voice has the POWER to draw a specific audience, your audience, right to you!
"No matter what you do, your job is to tell your story." – Gary Vaynerchuk
There have been a few high profile coaches and product sellers who've become sort of a celebrities, mainly because of their harsh, blunt style and 'don't hold back' language.
A great example is Ash Ambirge at Middle finger project. She makes absolutely no apologies for her use of offensive words and her fans? They adore her! If you're in the group that doesn't like or approve, her response, which is right on her home page is .. Her site and services are 'NOT for the humorless bores."
On the reverse side, if snarkiness and offensive language is not your thing, take a look at Carrie Wilkerson, the Barefoot Executive, who's built her brand almost entirely on her ability to be kind and generous.
She always comes across as never defeated or overwhelmed, always has a nice word to say and is an inspiration to her fans and clients.
Two differing approaches that are on the opposite sides of the spectrum and each of them work.
While they are so dissimilar, like night and day, there is one thing they have in common: their authenticity. If you were to meet either of them in person, they would be exactly how they appear online, speaking and acting in the same manner. They are authentic and their brands are more powerful for it.
Your Story: As individual as you are!
What is your story?
What path did you take to get you where you are today?
What is your backstory?
I know you might feel it's boring and uneventful but it's a really powerful tool that can help you build your brand and attract the right audience.
Your story could be that of a struggling single mom, who created an online business rather than choosing to work at dead-end jobs, one after the other. Your success with your business could be exactly the inspiration your audience needs and become a huge part of your brand.
Your story might be one of someone who was looking for, just something, anything to make a few extra dollars in the month to help keep the home lights burning. You had an artistic bent so you started to create graphics and it turned into a full-time online business.
You, could have a story, like mine, getting laid off and finding no one was hiring and your unemployment was running out, so you thought having an online business based on your knowledge and skills was the answer. The rest is history.
Your story doesn't have to be dramatic, ready to be a Broadway hit show. You don't need to share more than you are comfortable with. The key is that it needs to be your own story.
Be yourself, when you are you won't have to worry about attracting the right audience.
They will find you!
"The dream is you never giving up on your story because no one else can play your part." Jamie Tworkowski
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