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The following article was published in our article directory on July 13, 2017.
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Some Helpful Daily Leadership Development Tasks

Article Category: Leadership

Author Name: Dawn Manning

Building leadership skills is not something that can be done in isolation ñ in a one-off session, or even a couple of sessions. In order to successfully improve these skills, they need to be put into practice daily.

Establishing a regular routine of leadership development activities that are integrated as a component of the daily work life will ensure that the team members develop their skills in leading others naturally and effectively.

There are three activities that could be easily incorporated into the workplace that will give each individual an opportunity to improve and hone their leadership abilities.

Developing The Ability To Inspire Others
Objective: Inspiring others to follow a vision and to do what it takes to make that vision a reality is one of the most important skills in leadership. An excellent leader is able to inspire others to follow any vision, regardless of how challenging it may be. This activity will help to develop this ability.

1. Make a list of fictional visions - these can start of fairly easy, and become more difficult as time go on. Examples: Office Uniforms; Ban Coffee in the Work Place; Pajama Tuesdays; Compulsory Office Yoga.
2. Write each vision on a piece of paper, put them in a container, and have one member of the team draw a vision without looking, each day.
3. The person who has drawn the vision needs to speak to each team member during the course of the day, and inspire them to vote for their cause by the end of the day.

Developing Listening And Comprehension Skills
Objective: A leader's ability to not only hear what others are saying, but to fully concentrate on and understand what is being said directly affects their ability to lead effectively. In this activity, participants are challenged to exercise their listening and comprehension skills.

1. Create word matches such as "salt and pepper" or "down and hill" - you could use matching words that pertain to your industry.
2. Give each member one of the words.
3. By the end of the day, each participant must have found their match by explaining their word to others and listening to the explanations of their team members without anyone actually saying their own word.

Developing Conflict Resolution
Objective: Successful leaders have excellent conflict resolution skills. Leadership development activities that focus on resolving conflict are essential if you want to lead effectively.

Give two participants opposing views and have them argue their case to a third participant. Choosing obscure topics will make this much more interesting and challenging.
2. The third participant must come up with a solution by the end of the day that is diplomatic as well as decisive.
Rotate the roles so that each person has a chance to resolve each issue.

Have each team member write a short report on their experience with these leadership development activities at the end of each week or month. This will give them an opportunity to contribute to their own development as well as giving management feedback on how effective the activities have been.

About the Author: Pay close attention to these key elements of business development to impact your success going forward. One, small business development strategies two, bottom line leadership development, and online reputation services.

Keywords: three leadership keys, how to define leadership, what are leadership skills, leadership qualities list, leadership skills list, good leadership qualities, family business leadership development, leadership development strategy for family business, leadership development strategies, top leadership skills, 4 top leadership skills, leadership strategies

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