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The following article was published in our article directory on July 3, 2017.
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Work, Work, Work: How Work Changed with Time

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Theodore Henderson

We have entered a new age wherein communication and innovation is valued more than ever. They say that the future of work is coming, and now, companies are relying on machines and artificial intelligence for the physical work. We have experienced a change in the professional sector, and with new things to work on, new skills are needed. This is why corporations nowadays are more into leaders and innovators. But, what is the future of work, really?

The future of work refers to the changes in today's workforce and workspaces. Some would argue that the trends in the future of work has not yet come, but it already did. A long, long time ago, most jobs required a stronger physique and clearly favored men. Women, on the other hand, were expected to stay at home and manage the household. However, today's society paved way for a more inclusive labor. Employers are now more into what you could offer than what you are. Although there are still a lot of issues when it comes to gender wage gap and capitalism, we now have more options.

The changes in the labor force have also changed the standard of leadership. The leaders of today won't tell you what to do. Instead, today's leadership revolves more around inspiring people. It's more about being successful and driven that people just wanted to follow them and become more than them. Today's standard of a leader is what firms are trying to add in their labor force. They know that in an economy that's hoping to be more globally inclusive, they needed leaders that knows how to do their jobs efficiently, move with lesser supervision, and communicate effectively.

When the future of work came into view, economies have entered a new phase. The global market has expanded, products and services are being shared from one country to another, and countries have seen a change in the numbers of immigrants and emigrants. Because of this, the competition is stronger than ever and job hunting has become harder. Despite the changes in the economy, unemployment is still one of the country's biggest problems. College graduates are struggling with their job choices, and employers are harsher. Underemployment still exists, and most of the times, laborers are either under-qualified or overqualified. There is a waste of talents in the professional world, and we are still struggling with this predicament. With this in mind, one should take a step further than the rest and invest in skills and experiences valued by today's labor market.

Theodore Henderson, together with his team, has been helping potential leaders to learn management and business skills. They offer different programs and training to bring out the inner leader within employees. They are helping the future workers to embrace the upcoming trends shaping the global economy in the workforce and develop the skills needed to stay afloat.

The so-called future of work is not as far from the present than we thought. In fact, we are slowly transitioning to the new global trends brought by it. Globalization is the new buzzword, and the workspace has become more diverse. Indeed, there are quite a lot of changes brought by technology and human innovations. However, this is not something to be feared upon, but something to be embraced.

About the Author: Theodore Henderson is an author, coach, trainer, & speaker who is expert when it comes to Entrepreneur and Small Business strategies. To find out everything about him and his programs visit his website at

Keywords: Future of Work, What is the future of work, future of work millennials, future leadership, future of work and leadership, future of work and teamwork, trends shaping the global economy, The future of work and artificial intelligence, future of work and third world, trends in the future of work, future of work and baby boomers, future of work and generation x, developing and attracting talent for future workplace, the future of work and U. S. minorities, the future of work and robotics

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