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The following article was published in our article directory on May 22, 2017.
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Learning to Survive with a Survival Gear

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Laura Smith

The first thing that comes to mind whenever the term "survival gear" pops up is that a disaster is coming, and preparedness is a virtue when it comes to these unforeseeable events.
While this thought is legitimate,�survival gears�are not just for disasters, natural or man-made; it can also be used for leisure and recreation, particularly the outdoor ones, like camping and hiking.
Thus, it is important that the�survival gear�is complete with the essentials that may be beneficial during emergencies and small repairs. But at the same time, it must be light and easy to carry, even on great distances, with rugged terrains or steep slopes, and in harsh conditions.
There are many blogs all over the Internet that outline what particular items the�survival gear�must have in order to be considered useful, and most of the vital information and recommendations are summarized below:
In making a fire: Matches can be used as an option for this specific purpose; however it will not be useful when, say, the matches get wet or the matchsticks run out. Instead, the camper may opt to have a lighter, or better yet, a butane torch. Lighting a fire is important not just for illumination but also for the heat production especially on cold nights. So in a�survival gear, there must be at least two items that should do the job for this specific purpose. For this, offers a wide variety of fire starters that would make finding tools for this making a fire easier, found here:
In storing water: Having a water canister that can hold at least a liter of water is already good enough. What the camper needs to watch out for is where he or she gets his or her refills--the water source should come from flowing bodies of water and must not be near areas that recently experienced flooding and earthquakes as these disasters may have contaminated the stagnant water around the affected area.
In getting food: If foods can be packed beforehand, much better. However, going down this road may lead to a bulkier�survival gear�which may be counterproductive as to why it is called�survival gear�in the first place. Remember that one of the characteristics of�survival gears�is that it�should be light and easy to tote around. In this case, a camper may opt to hunt for food instead. For this, the camper must have a pocket knife sharp enough to pierce through animal skin and cut through sturdy branches. This can also be used in making traps for squirrels and rabbits, in improvising a net to catch fish, or in producing a makeshift ladder or rope out of the growing shrubs. A knife can also be used for self-defense in case someone (or something) attacks. Check out this link for a collection of knives to choose from:
In remedying small repairs: Overall, having a small all-around tool set can be a huge game-changer; for one, it is easier to carry since it is small and handy. A good set of tools should have the essential ones, like pliers, small scissors, wrench, and screwdriver.
In finding a way out of the woods: Out of all the�survival gear�must-haves, a compass (find one at should be at the top of the list since it points the way to civilization. And a compass could not be used to its full potential without the map of the whole place. At the same time, having a whistle can be used to signal a cry for help when unforeseeable circumstances occur. Binoculars, while optional, can also help in finding a way out and for watching out for potentially harmful beings. Getting one may also help (grab one here:�
In protecting against harsh conditions: A blanket can be used for a myriads of improvised essentials--as a makeshift jacket or umbrella during cold or wet nights, as a substitute for bedding or sleeping bag when sleeping on the ground, or even as a temporary tent roof. A thick one may be heavy to carry, but it relatively more comfortable to use than a thin sheet. If the camper has to choose which among his or her stuff in the�survival gear�he or she should give the most room for, it should be the blanket.
In providing treatment to sudden accidents and sicknesses: A�survival gear�is never complete if a first aid kit is not present. It must have Band-Aids, gauze pads, cotton, bandage rolls, alcohol, and over-the-counter medications for headache and fever like paracetamol or ibuprofen tablets or pills, to name a few.
Overall, the�survival gear�must be able to deliver its intended purpose: to provide a temporary solution to problems that may arise during natural disasters and outdoor activities, particularly during those times that help and rescue cannot immediately come.
For more tools and accessories, visit� They provide a catalog of items that any outdoor person may need for his or her camping trip. Navigating the website is easy because every product is organized for each specific function.

About the Author: Laura Smith is an expert when it comes to Outdoor Camping and Hiking. To find out everything about Outdoor Survival, visit her website at TravDevil.

Keywords: camping, hiking, hunting, tactical gear, backpacking, sleeping bags, tents, outdoors, survival gear, back packs

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