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The following article was published in our article directory on May 12, 2017.
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Top Illegal Moves in MMA

Article Category: Sports

Author Name: Ed

Many MMA sanctioned tournaments today have strict rules and regulations. However, in the MMA underground scene, the story is quite different. There may be no proper execution of rules, or the referees are not knowledgeable enough, or the staff may not be sufficiently equipped to handle MMA fights. Whatever the reason is, there should always be strict guidelines on the dos and don�ts during fights. In this article, the most common and most dangerous illegal moves in MMA will be discussed.
Groin Strikes
Strike to the groin area is illegal in almost all contact sports. However, some dirty fighters still practice it to cheat. In MMA, it is not accepted. When a fighter is struck to the groin, a disqualification for the striker or a no-contest decision may happen.
Fish Hooking
This move involves hooking the opponent�s mouth, nose, or even the eye sockets using a finger. It has been prohibited by most MMA leagues since long ago. However, some fighters, especially in MMA underground, still practice it. This is dangerous and considered cheating, so deduction of points may be meted.
Back-of-the-Head Punches
Another common scene in MMA fights is a fighter punching his opponent at the back of the head, particularly while on the ground. This is dangerous as a fighter could not very well protect himself with his back turned to his opponent. For penalty, points may be deducted from the striker, and the opponent is allowed to rest and restart in standing position.
Eye Poking
Poking of the eye is hazardous and illegal for obvious reasons. The eye is a delicate and vital part of the human anatomy so it should not be messed with. Eye poking may result to temporary stoppage, technical knockout, or disqualification.
In the pioneer days of the MMA, head-butting was considered legal as it is part of some martial arts techniques. However, nowadays, head-butts have been prohibited as it may cause serious cuts and bleeding to both the striker and defender. Intentional head-butts could potentially lead to deduction of points or disqualification.
Kicking, Stomping, or Kneeing an Opponent While on the Ground
This rule is illegal in some MMA leagues but some still allow it. While there are still competitions that permit this kind of move, it does not mean that it is not highly dangerous. Blows to the head in this manner could potentially cause serious head trauma to the recipient.
Hair Pulling
This rule does not happen often, especially in sanctioned MMA fights. This is because most fighters sport short hair, which is hard, if not impossible, to pull. However, in the MMA underground, where rules are easily bent and proper decorum is not always followed, this move is practiced as a way to gain tactical maneuvering and positioning over the opponent.
Some may see MMA as brutal and even inhumane. But the fact of the matter is that MMA is a sport that even though physical in nature, still cares for its fighters. Rules are made and implemented for a reason, and this is why everyone should support and follow them.

Keywords: mma fighting, mma fighter, mixedmartialarts, types of martial arts, mma underground, mma news, ufc news, martial arts training, mma female fighters, mma boxing, mma latest news, mma cage

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