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The following article was published in our article directory on April 15, 2017.
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What You Need To Know To Get By In These Crazy Times

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Linda Clay

We've all heard that it takes a village to raise a child. But, did you ever think about the village it takes just to get through each day as an adult? How many people do you rely on in your life?

We depend on people every single day of our lives, whether we know it or not. Our lives wouldn't be the same without them and theirs wouldn't be the same without us...

The mailman • Your family • The crossing guard • Your child's teacher • The other drivers on the road •Your coworkers •Your yoga teacher •Your best friend • The receptionist at your doctor's office • Social media friends • Your family doctor

Think of how these people impact you, however insignificant or meaningful.

When you consider the small gestures of kindness and routine courtesy we tend to come across

A cashier opening their line for you
Your child's teacher emailing you in praise of a project or test well done
The neighbor that signed for your package when you weren't home
The person who smiled at you as you passed them on the street.
The man who handed you your wallet when you unknowingly dropped it.

Then add in those people in your life who make your heart sing and think of all of the ways they lift you up. I think you'll agree...

These days, it takes a village to just get by.

How good does it feel to know that someone believes in you?

It feels amazing and we want to feel that way all the time!

You know by now how much I want you to believe in yourself first and foremost, but sometimes that's easier said than done.

We often limit ourselves with our negative self-image and get clouded by less happy experiences.

But ... hang on, where is what you need to do when those thoughts creepy crawly into your mind ..

Look at the support system you have. Aren't you truly blessed?

The value of having people who stand by you is immeasurable. New or old, big or small, the connections in our lives matter.

Now step back and take a look at the darkest moments of your life.

Who's there? Take a look at the faces around you.

As you remember the hard times, start turning it around by thinking back to the celebrations and good times, when things were on track.

As you view those memories that are dripping with silver linings... who's there?
Who comforted you or cheered for you or came running in an emergency or did something to make you smile, just because? You know where your support is.

Where would you be without those people?
Do you realize what that means?

These people that have impacted your life have been a part of your path, and you are a part of theirs. This means that you have the ability to impact their lives, just as they've impacted yours.

That's powerful stuff...

When you let someone pass you on the highway or pick up someone's keys for them when they drop them or even when you SMILE at your waitress... those small gestures of kindness are fuel for the good vibes machine.

When we lift each other up, we contribute to the betterment of the whole. Love is given and received freely and no one is left to go it alone. You don't know what a person may be going through; your kindness may turn their frown upside-down!

If we can begin to see how truly connected we all are, how our energies can feed or drain each other in such profound ways, then maybe we can begin to be more conscious of the energetic exchanges we facilitate or allow.

Look at your village.

The people you see or interact with are all part it and you are part of theirs.

I've talked about it before, when we avoid the negative, we make more room for the positive. I know that staying in the positive is sometimes difficult.

But .. do you see how this works?

When there is a positive exchange of energy with others, it promote positive feelings. When someone is feeling good, they are more likely to pass it on.

It's like a chain reaction; it's what keeps that good vibes machine humming along.
We need each other. Let's empower each other. Let's work together to lift each other up.

It doesn't take much.

It can be as simple as holding a door for someone, help someone with their groceries or pay the toll for the car behind you.

Take care of yourself and the people in your village, because ..

When you spread kindness like wildflower seeds, you're always in a place of beauty.

"The unselfish effort to bring cheer to others will be the beginning of a happier life for ourselves." – Helen Keller

About the Author: Linda Clay is an expert when it comes to #mentor #coach #lifestyle #mindset SpinDistribute Article Distribution System. We also offer one of the Best Article Writing Services out there - give us a try if you need great articles on various topics! Network

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We also offer a separate Professional Article Writing Service to everyone who's looking for high quality web content and well researched unique articles.

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