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The following article was published in our article directory on April 10, 2017.
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Article Category: Advice
Author Name: Linda Clay
I know I haven't been around for a few weeks. Yes, I've been remiss, I disappeared off the grid and haven't written a blog, it seems like its been ages. I do have a legit reason or rather I think it is! There's been work going on behind the scenes. A new website, transferring all the files from the old one to the new one and working on my first ever 'can you believe it' webinar and taking a step back to look at life. I know, you're thinking .. Again, Linda?
As I was mulling over the concept of life, the word 'LACK' popped into my head.
Given the non-stop nature we live in and then toss into the mix the pressures of society, it's no surprise that many of us find ourselves in a state of LACK... lack of time, lack of money, lack of friends, lack of a significant other, lack of those beautiful shoes you've had your eye on.
LACK is one heck of a thing.
When we feel our lives are lacking, when we're always worried about how little we have and how much more we 'NEED,' we're creating a life around a state of lack.
How so?
Sitting at home longing sadly for romance and feeling alone will NOT help you attract your soul mate!
Living paycheck to paycheck? You tell yourself 'I CAN'T AFFORD IT' all the time and are constantly worry about how much money you DON'T have... Well, guess what happens?
You'll end up with more of the same.
I know the drill. I know the list of potential stressors is endless.
There's laundry, there are bills to pay (and maybe not enough money to pay them), errands to run, children who need new clothes, dinner, emotional support, help with homework and have arguments to break up.
There are loved ones to take care of, work to think about and get done on time, relationships that require attention, yard work and dishes, working on your self image, back to school night...
It can be overwhelming. No, the truth is – It is overwhelming!
The 'GLORIFICATION OF BUSY' has us all running around, keeping up with the Jones' and trying to get ahead, stay ahead and Yikes! Stay afloat. Sprinkle that on top of the day-to-day stuff and you've got a lot going on.
With this constant mess going on just how can we absorb 'RIGHT NOW'?
How to enjoy the moments as the years fly by?
How can we still set and achieve our goals?
How do you go from the heaviness and misery of living in a state of lack to cultivating a life of joy and abundance?
It's about changing your MINDSET.
Our goal is to live in a place of gratitude, acceptance and love, which means we've have to live every moment being in that very same place.
How do we do that? (I can hear you whispering .. there is no way, it can't be done.)
It can when you do it – BITE BY BITE.
That's right... bite-by-bite. When you break things down into easy to chew morsels, you give yourself the gift of simplicity. If you put the whole thing in your mouth at once, you're likely to choke on the size, complexity and swirls of emotion.
You start by giving yourself some credit and cut yourself some slack. Better yet, pat yourself on the back for being YOU right now. Because you are the only YOU and you deserve it.
Life is challenging, but you're trying your best, aren't you? Celebrate that!
What else can you celebrate today?
Did you cross things off of your to-do list?
Did you remember to wash your face before bed or to put the laundry in the dryer? Maybe you got up on time this morning.
Maybe you baked amazing cookies from scratch.
Maybe you met a potential new client.
Whatever it is, remember to celebrate when you smash those goals, no matter how small. Be proud of yourself and be grateful!
Gratitude helps us to focus on the good. The more thankful you are for what you have, the more accepting you become of all that life presents (and doesn't present).
The bumps in the road feel much smoother and allow us to proceed without the anxiety of expectation. The silver linings begin to shimmer and multiply like magic, right before your eyes.
When you value what you have and who you are, you open up to give and feel more love. More of what you value will come into your life and you will be in a good place to receive it. You will connect to the infinite love around and (most importantly) inside of you. Living with these intentions in our hearts, we can honor our needs and we can be patient with ourselves.
So, take little bites. Savor what life has to offer and take pleasure in the mundane. Those negative situations won't go away instantly, but they will fade into the background when you focus on the positivity of NOW.
Recognizing and giving yourself credit for a job (of any size or type) well done is critical. Take care of and honor yourself. Remember, only you can provide yourself the respect and comfort that you provide for others.
"Manifest plainness,
Embrace simplicity,
Reduce selfishness,
Have few desires."
― Lao Tzu
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