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The following article was published in our article directory on April 24, 2017.
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Removing Stress with Relaxation Techniques

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: Melissa Stefanski, BS, MA

Stress is part of one�s everyday life, and everybody is vulnerable to it. Stress, however, serves a protective and adaptive function that alerts a person to react in an appropriate manner when facing a crisis. It is when a person gets the wrong perception of the situation and lacks the inner resources to counter stress that the stress response becomes problematic. The continued feelings of stress become chronic, adversely affecting a person�s health and well-being.

To counter the stressful situations, one needs to develop relaxation techniques.

Relaxation and How It Helps

It is a common belief that one is relaxing when seated on a couch, reading, or watching the news on television. You may think you are relaxing, but it is a kind of passive relaxation that does not produce the psychological and physical benefits you get from a relaxation response.

Relaxation is necessary to maintain internal equilibrium in a person. To relax is to manage stress and anxiety effectively. Relaxation counters the �fight or flight� response of an individual to threats. Instead, the person slows down, lets the body relax, allows the blood to flow to the brain, heightens energy, and becomes more focused.

The goal of relaxing is not only to relax physically but to be mentally alert, as well. Relaxation done the right way can induce the relaxation response that brings about:

Generalized anxiety reduction
Heightened energy
Prevention of accumulated stress
Improved focus
Memory boost
Reduces the risk of stroke
Decrease in physical problems
Increased self confidence
Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques balance your physical and emotional state, allowing you to perform with renewed energy. Note, however, that relaxation techniques are skills and, as such, needs constant practice. Be patient with yourself and refrain from making the practice another source of stress.

There are several relaxation techniques you can choose from. Select one technique that you are comfortable with and work on it. If any of the techniques mentioned does not suit you, check with your physician for alternatives.

Breathing exercises. In a stressed state, your rate of breathing increases. Deep breathing is a powerful relaxation technique that gives focus on breath cleansing. It is simple, easy to learn, and you can do it anywhere. It is a quick way to check your stress level.

When doing a breathing exercise, sit with your back straight on a chair. Be comfortable and not stiff. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Do the breathing in and out slowly and feel your abdomen rise and fall.

Visualization technique. This relaxation technique makes use of imagery where you immerse yourself in a pleasant scenery. When you immerse in the scenery, notice everything that you see, hear, smell, and touch. Visualize a scene that has a calming effect on you, like a beach, a mountain view, or a favorite childhood spot.

Meditation. This relaxation technique is a mental exercise, like focusing on your breathing, repeating a mantra or a word, or concentrating on a candle light. The mental activity induces you to suspend your critical mind and focus on the present. Meditation is an old practice used to reduce stress, depression, anxiety, and other negative thoughts and emotions.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation. This technique makes you completely aware of your body. The technique is a two-step process where you tense and relax muscle groups in your body. The awareness of your body that progressive muscle relaxation gives you helps you locate and counter muscular tension that usually accompanies stress. When your body relaxes, your mind follows.

The inevitability of stress in everyday life makes it necessary that you develop the ability to relax. Relaxation is a much-needed break from the �fight or flight� response, gives you the opportunity to focus on the event, and helps you come up with a right decision. Mastery of any of the relaxation techniques gives you the power to be in control of the moment, overcome any stressful event, and come out as confident as ever.

Keywords: stress management, hypnosis, self-improvement, relaxation techniques

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