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The following article was published in our article directory on March 13, 2017.
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Web Design & Content Affect Visitor Conversions/Business Success

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Roger Burns

Why You Should Care how Your Website Looks and How It Converts

Does everyone understand that the design of their website affects their organic SEO results? Specifically, conversions, but also rankings in the search results. A bad website will undercut any other marketing effort.

Web design incorporates more than aesthetics, i.e., "looks". We've talked about the design's effect on SEO, but today also the company's place in the online world, including branding, harmony with other online placeholders, i.e., Facebook, Twitter, etc. and, really, the entire perception of the company.

It's time to stop settling for shallow answers and start analyzing the facts. Web design matters – but why? And what sort of impact does it have on the other aspects of your business?

The Importance of Good Web Design

There was a recent study that attempted to quantify importance of design elements versus content factors and which influenced trust more among visitors to certain health websites.

The most astonishing disclosure was that design components are exponentially more effective than content. without doubt. At the point when asked to portray for what reason they questioned a site, 94 percent of comments specifically identified with website composition components, while just 6 percent referenced specific content. While the review was directed towards healthy subjects, it appears to be useful in that these essential standards would similarly apply to different enterprises. In particular, here are some of the more important components noted by members when identifying specific negative aspects about a site:

• Busy or complex designs
• Pop-up commercials and flashy advertisements
• Small print that is difficult to read
• Boring website composition/absence of shading
• Slow site introductions and load times

While the design of a website may be the most important factor in a satisfying visit to a website, content still matters.

Although website design and composition may be the most essential, good content is still imperative. At the point when those same members were asked to give motivations to what reason they reacted to a website, content comes to the forefront and assumed a key role 83% of the appropriate responses. Web visitors enjoyed destinations that were useful, significant, new, clear, and fair. They particularly liked it when destinations gave age-particular data and gave answers to frequently asked, or obvious questions that a visitor to a website may have, particularly if the visitor did not have to engage in an extensive "hunt" for the answer or information when visiting the site.

The Sweeping Impact of Website Content Development

Both content and website architecture are inconceivably critical, and they act in concert with one another, i.e., a great design with tepid content will leave a visitor unsatisfied just as a bad design with good content would. Without quality content organized in a logical, easy-to-read narrative, your visitors won't take the time to explore the site, use the resources you've placed on your site, or seek further engagement, i.e., "convert" into a prospect or customer. You need to view your website as a composite picture with all of the elements working together to achieve harmony and elicit the sought after response, i.e., conversion. Keep in mind that your composite website is "visually inspected" by your visitors, i.e, quickly swept with the eye to see if the site contains what the visitor is seeking. This is where all the elements work together to satisfy the visitor: good visual design, easy navigation, strong "call to action" prompts, and crisp well laid-out content. It's been noted that a website only has 2.3 seconds to capture a visitor's attention. Does your website do that? It matters and paying attention to these details will be richly rewarded with higher conversion rates and more lengthy engagement with your website (are you tracking these two critical factors using Google or another analytics package?).

Website Architecture Impacts Search Engine Optimization

When evaluating organic search engine optimization and the chances for success, website architecture impacts this success and is worth considering prior to extensive optimization activities. Think long term. Without proper design and content, any optimization efforts are likely to get only marginal results. Google and the other search engines use the tagging on your website, i.e., title tags, meta descriptions, and header and image tags to index your site and to determine the 'quality' of your site regarding important business terms, products, and services, i.e., "keywords". A website can be upgraded in a month or two. Achieving high search result rankings can take six months to a year, or even longer. Make th effort pay off by seeing that the vehicle that the optimization rides on, the website, is in good shape.
Today, the need for a responsive website is critical. Many of the searches made by people are on their mobile devices. A sloppy or "bad" appearance can undermine your optimization efforts (let alone the fact that Google will undercut your natural rankings if your website in not responsive.

How Website Composition Influences Conversion Rates

It's important to understand how website architecture influences conversion rates. Especially, you should focus on the following components:

• Navigation. Navigation directly affects conversion rates. If a visitor can get to what they seek with one click, or two at most, the conversion rat will be higher. There are no "if's. ands, or but's" about i. That is an absolute certainty. Conversely, sites that are difficult will suffer from inferior conversion rates.
• Wording. Content that is shaped to create "call to action" will result in greater conversions, i.e., the wording you use in suggestions to take action. In particular, the word "free" is the most powerful for websites and the online environment, especially when requesting that individuals fill out a contact form, join, or download something. It can result in 20%-400% higher conversions depending on what's being offered and affinity of the visitors to the website's mission, products or services.
• Color. Colors affect engagement and actions. Shadings also influence visitor's behavior. Go ahead and experiment. It will be worth your effort and time. Rendering A/B versions of your Home Page can pay dividends. If you're conducting PPC campaigns, definitely do A/B testing. We have seen conversion rates increase (and decrease) by 200% or more. Call and I'll be glad to go over specifics with you. You should always make your "call to action" buttons a bright, distinct color. It both captures the eye of the viewer and let's the viewer know that those buttons are special. The color recommended is red in a large format, i.e., make it noticeable.

Summary on Importance of Web Design

You need to understand that your website is your presence in the online world and that anyone viewing it has a natural reaction to it and either consciously or sub-consciously draws a conclusion about your company by viewing your website. Further, your website is the foundation of search optimization for your business and will directly affect both how well your keywords rank and the business realized from your online presence. In many instances, your website can overcome perceptions formed from other offline or online advertising, either positive or negative, and may create the predominant opinion about your company. Spend the time and money and get it right.

About the Author:

Keywords: seo, web design, search engine optimization, responsive design

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