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The following article was published in our article directory on March 1, 2017.
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Experts Say Top Personal Weight-Loss Workshops Missing Key Success Factor

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Travis Fox

There have been some recent revelations in the personal weight-workshop industry that for decades has been dominated by a few "top" programs like Weight Watchers, Nutrizone, Atkins, Zone, and Paleo diets, and now the big surprise is that addressing the psychological aspect is what is helping some new lesser-known programs to make breakthroughs in the field.

Studies have shown that dieters who lose more than 30 pounds are 25 times more likely to survive a gunshot wound to the head than they are to keep that weight off permanently.
It's been widely known for a long time now that diets are ineffective at long-term personal weight-loss.

Some personal weight workshop programs have tried to manage what diets lack with supplemental counseling or scheduled food deliveries, etc. Programs like Weight Watchers and Nutrizone are successful examples of diets that do more than just restrict food intake, but recent revelations are suggesting that they've only scratched the surface of the nature of the problem.

Experts like Dr. Oz and Dr. Travis Fox agree that most weight-loss programs are lacking consideration for the psychological aspects involved in weight-loss/gain, and are thereby doomed to fail from the start. They claim that diets which force people to effectively "starve" themselves, or at least restrict themselves from foods their body craves, have virtually no chance due to the nature of the human body itself.

If the internal "starving-mechanism" is activated, the body reacts in such a way as to hold onto and regain as much caloric energy as it can. It simply moves into a survival mode and seeks to consume and store as much food-energy as it can, which is a process developed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution in which humans as a species were not guaranteed a steady food-intake.

Now, some medical professionals are beginning to address a heretofore ignored aspect of personal weight-control – the subconscious. One such professional is Dr. Travis Fox, who has developed breakthrough psychological techniques to help others lose weight and live healthy lifestyles. He is a fresh, dynamic personality who after a nine-year break traveling the world to meet and study with the Masters in Bali, Thailand, India, and a dozen more countries, Dr. Fox is coming back to pass along the next-level information he's acquired to help people become their ideal selves. Armed with PhDs in Psychology and Clinical Hypnotherapy, his revolutionary new approach focuses on self-manipulation of the subconscious to affect conscious behavioral patterns.

Those interested in some recent revelations in the personal weight-workshop industry should consult with their doctors before beginning a new regimen. But just as the Chiropractic industry was considered "quackery" but now a solid viable practice in the medical industry, so now is the psychological and hypnotherapeutic approach for weight control. For further information on effective methods, research Dr. Oz, Pete Cohen, and Dr. Travis Fox here.

About the Author: For the last 25 years, Travis Fox has been training and teaching his patent pending methodology that focuses on how to get to the bottom of our subconscious controlling habits and help you to Unwind Your Mind so that you can experience real positive change in your life. Click here to learn more about Travis' methodology to living life fully.

Keywords: South Beach Diet, Weight-Watchers, Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, BeachBody, Bio Slim 2000, Herballife, Provida, Biggest Loser Diet, Gut Impact, Psychology of weight-loss, Dr. Travis Fox, Travis Fox, Public Speaker, MindFox Productions, Architect of Being, Self-help Guru, Life Coach, Spiritual Coach, Business Coach, Sports Psychology, Tony Robbins,, Eckhart Tolle,, The Power of Now, Stephen Covey, Mark Patrick, Mindvalley, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotist, Spiritual Life Coach, Psychology of weight-loss

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I got in online biz more than 2 years ago but I got nowhere - until I found your service a couple of months ago, that is. Now I am getting really strong in the lose-weight niche and I can't wait to see where this online business takes me. Tnx so much!!
Harold Brown