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The following article was published in our article directory on February 27, 2017.
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Being Grateful Can Immediately Change Your Life

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Linda Clay

"It is not what is in front of you, but what you see that matters"- Henry David Thoreau

GRATITUDE: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

It's such a SIMPLE yet powerful word, yet we don't always pay enough attention to it.

Living in GRATITUDE is one of the most important factors that will help you to attract more abundance in your life.

Stop and really think for a minute about the times when you felt the most grateful. They were also, the times when you felt the most abundant. At least, that's the WAY it's always been for me.

It seems being grateful and feeling abundant fit like a HAND in a GLOVE.

Seriously, when you are grateful in life for EVERYTHING you have, it's like a switch is turn on and you start to receive more. The universe responds to your GRATITUDE, giving you more and more, just as if an outside spigot was turned on full force in the summertime.

One decision, one SIMPLE decision to be grateful for what you have TRIGGERS that waterfall!

"Be happy with what you have while working for what you want" - Helen Keller
Trust me when I say, I do know it's hard to focus on all the great things you have in your life when life is playing those DIRTY, little tricks or you've been working hard to create something bigger and better for yourself, your family and your life. Yes, I KNOW - You feel a STRONG resistance to your current situation.

After all, the words "Look what's going on NOW" or "Geez, all I DO is struggle" .. fills your mind.


No matter what's going on right now in your life, whether it's GOOD or BAD when you wake up each day, even before getting out of bed, stop and spend a few minutes being thankful for your life.

There have been times in the past (eons ago) where I've gotten into a funk and started bemoaning my life and all the 'STUFF' that kept happening. Lo and behold, out of the blue, I'd run into a person who had it TEN TIMES worse than me.

A gentle but SWIFT kick from the universe reminded me that there is always someone somewhere else who has it worse and is fighting to survive. I got the message each time it happened! Yep, I have short-term memory loss at times, too!

"Gratitude creates abundance. Complaining creates poverty"- unknown
You can strip away the layers, look underneath them to find the reason why it works this way but the truth is - If you expect the universe to give you EVERYTHING without being grateful for what you have, you're not paying attention.

Your MINDSET matters. The universe responds to your POSITIVE attitude not your negative one.

If you send out those NEGATIVE vibes, such as, you aren't grateful, you grumble and grip, the universe will respond by sending you EXACTLY what you're asking for: MORE NEGATIVE!

If you change your MINDSET and start expressing gratitude for all things - (yep, ALL THINGS, like that stubbed toe you just received) the universe will reward you with everything you need to move forward.

Part of gratitude is to understand you've been given everything you need to succeed, have a great life and be happy. You don't need to LOOK elsewhere, you've GOT this!

"The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become." - Robert Holden
You've probably heard many stories about the early lives/stages of entrepreneurs and the CRAZY spaces they worked out of AND how they lived. They worked out of their cars, trailers, coffee shops, they slept on their friends couches, ate noodles for every meal, put their finances at risks, etc., yet they were still GRATEFUL for everything that they had.

The MINDSET of gratitude for every little thing they had helped to keep them focused on their vision/dreams, kept them going, and in the end they thrived!

Be grateful for even those tough "MOMENTS," those 'Can I really do this?' make it ones; because those actually are the GREATEST moments of your journey.

At this point, you're probably asking yourself "What I am talking about? How could this be the greatest moment in my journey?" Here's MY why: because the tough, sometimes gut WRENCHING moments are there to help you realize who you are, what gifts you have and what you are here for.

Look at the universe as a Life University Professor, here to teach you about yourself and look at yourself as the BUMBLING student, who keeps trying. If things don't work the way you pictured in your mind, thank the universe for the test it gave you which helped you sort through your thoughts and understand what you need and want.

As you push through those times of struggle with persistence, remember no one can get in your way, it's part of your destiny, your journey or your path.

When something doesn't come together or it falls apart, no matter how many different ways you tried to make it work, take a STEP BACK and look at the message you're being given then THANK the universe for showing up and giving you another stepping stone to cross.

Why not start LIVING IN GRATITUDE today? One simple way you can practice gratitude daily is to keep a gratitude journal, set aside some time out of your day to write the things you are grateful for, even those painful lessons of self-growth...It's easy and fun! Start small then challenge yourself to add more each day.

The greatest realization is to know you are exactly where you need to be at any given time in your life. Be in gratitude.

"The natural response to evaluation is to feel judged. We have to mature to a place where we respond to it with gratitude, and love feedback." - Henry Cloud

About the Author: Linda Clay is an expert when it comes to #mentor #coach #lifestyle #mindset SpinDistribute Article Distribution System. We also offer one of the Best Article Writing Services out there - give us a try if you need great articles on various topics! Network

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