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The following article was published in our article directory on February 15, 2017.
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The Importance Of Taking Action In Life

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: Sergei VanBellinghen/Yusupov

The importance of taking action is something I have already discussed in previous posts. But it is one of those difficult simple notions that need to be repeated over and over: without taking action you will get nowhere. Taking necessary actions will make it easier to take the next leap in any other area of your life.

The fact is that the hardest things in life are so difficult because there is no guide. But why talking about action if all of you already know you need to do so?

Because you and I can benefit from it! Embracing an action-style life has given me at once more productivity and more boldness so as to be able to live a better life and provided me with a level of mental awareness and wellness I needed in order to grow and progress. By taking actions you have tried to previously avoid, your life will be better.

In the past, I have spent many moments avoiding my way around what I knew would be best for my life. The last time was on the streets of Vienna selling sightseeing tours tickets, putting off action because I thought my plan wasn't yet ready. Until a friend of mine said: "You have already said the same thing six months ago".

It hit me like a ton of bricks. She was right. The only way I could change this was to take action instead of thinking what, getting ready or preparing some more. So I did! It is so easy to give credit to our conscious mind which says "It is not the right moment yet". Action is kind of blurry but it pushes us, compels us, and forces us to take the risk of being wrong.

Be Willing to Put the Information to Use.

Like Harv Eker note in his book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind": "Get ready the best you can in as short a time as possible, take action; then correct along the way."

Most of us have access to pretty much all the information in the world. The internet gives you any information you need nearly instantly but it is the willingness to put it to use that makes it an action. If you gather information without using it or just once in a while, it won't work.

Watching 10 movies or reading 15 books about martial arts is not as useful as 1 hour spent training. You need to put what you learn into use! Again, it seems so obvious, yet countless people still avoid it and then they wonder why they still stagnate in life.

Get the Difference between Action and Inaction.

How to get the difference between action and inaction? Well, all that you do is action such as inhaling, drinking, eating, sitting, walking... everything you do. But I am talking about a different kind of "action".

When I am talking about action I am actually discussing about a directed, decisive and conscious action like the thought you have where you think "I need to do something about this!"

The clue here is not to run through things with your eyes closed like a madman but instead, find the way to balance action with your tendency to overthink, over-plan, and waste your energy over worries. The correct action is getting out of your comfort zone and moving on toward the thing you would normally avoid.

Massive action is getting, no matter what, into what is uncomfortable and what scares you to learn, grow and progress. This kind of action is necessary. Creating a plan and making daily steps is "taking action". Preparing and perfecting an idea past the point of necessity is called "inaction".

Acting in Spite of What Scares You.

Taking action goes often against your natural impulse when you need to act in spite of what scares you. But up to a point, you actually grow, mature and progress by being uncomfortable. I'm not telling to put your life in danger. I am telling you to place your comfort, ego, habits and routine in the face of danger.

You have great amounts of unused information stored and learning from the knowledge of others is one of the most effective tools you can have. As a child, you were told to learn, so you did but then you have forgotten to use this data.

Creating a habit of taking action will give you more tenacity and control. You will learn as you go and directly put this knowledge into practice instead of forgetting it. Motivation and explanations follows action which in turn allows emergence, gives an answer, makes you humble, and creates courage while inaction is "playing it safe" by not doing anything until you know exactly what to do.

Inaction is so, so Wrong.

How many entrepreneurs are able to beat out the competition because they emphasize action over planning? After a failure and by making small, cheap, quick changes and trying again, they succeed while big companies take months and huge amounts of money before trying again.

These kinds of entrepreneurs win because they learn from taking action and small steps. The big competition loses because they try to predict every cause and effect by trying to create a perfect plan.

And YES, I know, action does hurt. You will get scarred and be uncomfortable. You will make losses but you will grow and progress if you do not give up.

Inaction instead does not hurt right now; you are comfortable and made soft by your unconscious stagnation. You will slowly decay, then regret, and then for the rest of your life you will wonder why you did not try.

If each day you choose inaction by saying "I will do it tomorrow", it will make it even harder to take action later. You will weaken yourself but if each day, now, you decide to take action you will become stronger and more motivated.

Motivation is a Consequence of Action.

Could you imagine an entrepreneur who only got stuff done when he feels motivated? All of us are scared but what makes the difference depends on what you do with that fear.

Are you embracing it? Or are you running from it?

Learn the habit of taking action and of doing things even though you are scared to do them. Motivation is a consequence of action as well as audacity, passion, opportunities, risks, consistency being stuff that only comes, by...Yes, taking action. And yet, so many people still have such a hard time doing it!

Why put the odds against you from the start? You create obstacles that do not or won't ever exist. The only way you will never know is by taking action. And do not take failure so much to heart as it is a part of the process to success.

Learn and grow from your failures instead of running from them. Taking action makes you humble while allowing you to go further than you ever thought possible. Success is not a straight line. It's not always easy but the breakthrough could happen in the next day of you taking action.

Don't let your dreams go to waste. Take massive action! Just do it.

About the Author: Sergei VanBellinghen, self-improvement & success coach sergeivanbellinghen success, self-improvement & laptop lifestyle
To find out about success, self-improvement & laptop lifestyle, visit website at

Keywords: Taking action, Comfort zone,

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