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The following article was published in our article directory on February 1, 2017.
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What Makes You Microaggressive?

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Theodore Henderson

All the subtleties of microaggressiveness make it tedious whether to regard certain remarks or behaviors as either microaggressive or a result of naivet�. It�s not usually obvious, but when you�re at the receiving end, you will definitely feel it. The fact that microaggressiveness is difficult to quantify or discern would make anyone susceptible to being the micro-aggressor without even intending to. It is for this reason that it�s important to ask Am I microaggressive?

Microaggressions are manifestations of concealed biases and prejudices against other genders, races, ages or other traits that make people different from the community they belong. Microaggressions may seem small or harmless. However, if these persist and compound for years, it can snowball into bigger social issues. It is therefore wiser to acknowledge all the signs of microaggression and deal with them sooner.

So, Am I microaggressive?

Sexist microaggressions

These are gender-specific slights indicating weakness of females and the dominance of males. Using the term �pussy�, �bitch� against others to imply opposition is a common example. These aggressions also occur when females vie for executive roles at work and are questioned for their capacity to fulfill the role because they are tied to household duties.

Public Shaming

This is a way of exposing a particular person�s vulnerabilities or joking with a wider audience about things usually discussed privately such as women�s period, breastfeeding, and body types or size.

Racial microaggressions

These are race-specific slights indicating the inadequacies of a �lesser� race to prove dominance of the �better� race. An example is how a native English speaker compliments an African or Hispanic English speaker for being fluent in the English language.


This is a term combining the words �man� and �explaining� that literally means a man explains what the other �lesser sex� party already knows. It is worsened with a hand gesture that stops the other from speaking to be �mansplained� to.


This is a way to demean women specifically and treat them as mere objects. To objectify them is perceive them as having no more value than a thing meant for sex only.

Income Gap

The big income gap between men and women is an issue of microaggressiveness because people believe this stems merely on gender and not on one�s merits.

Non-verbal clues

This involves symbolically using the body to speak of the microaggressiveness. For example, watching people from other ethnicities more closely at a store or reporting their activities without obvious evidence of any intention to do harm.

Color Coding

There are people from an African ethnicity who consider using the color black to symbolize something as bad as offensive. While raising a red flag is generally accepted to mean war and white as peace, the use of the black color as well as the term to mean bad luck or funerals is not as well-accepted.
Perhaps there is as much variety of microaggressions as there are people; and there are more incidences of microaggressions than people are willing to admit. And it starts with asking Am I microaggressive to recognize one�s tendencies and inclinations to being a microaggressor; and making the necessary changes to be a totally �evolved� human being.

Microaggressions have evolved over the years since it was formally termed as such by Chester M. Pierce during the 70s. With the rise of social media, everyone should anticipate more changes or even a birth of a new kind of microaggressions.

About the Author: Theodore Henderson is an author, coach, trainer, & speaker who is expert when it comes to Entrepreneur and Small Business strategies. To find out everything about him and his programs visit his website at

Keywords: microaggression, microaggression and teamwork, leadership and microaggression, emotional intelligence and microaggression, microaggressions in the workplace, dealing with microaggressions at work, gender and microaggression, being black in the workplace, microaggressions in everyday life

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