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The following article was published in our article directory on December 17, 2016.
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Make Workplace Diversity Work for your Business Success

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Theodore Henderson

When big corporations release information on how their policies keep up with Employee Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), it sets an imposing standard to other businesses of any size. Citigroup, Coca-Cola and JPMorgan Chase may have the funds to manage diversity better than most. However, the truth is, managing diversity in the workplace isn�t as capital intensive as it seems.

Workplace diversity is achievable by businesses regardless of nature, size or budget. It can revolutionize the way business is done today the way it did since the first models were drawn in the 60s. Managing diversity in the workplace, however, shouldn�t end with federal laws or top management of corporations. Participation should be encouraged in every level of management.

Since everyone benefits in the success of a business, collective effort must also be made when it comes to managing diversity in the workplace. Every employee should take a positive mindset to create a diverse environment. This makes it conducive to plant the seedlings of a successful business built on creativity and innovation.

How to manage workplace diversity?

1. Introduction of new cultures may happen naturally, but it�s better to create open communication lines where issues can be addressed. Set small teams that will get new employees actively involved and fully integrated into the company�s culture.

2. Practice mentorship to encourage retention and focus on long- term career goals. Discuss opportunities for advancement and growth offered by the company.

3. Create learning and development programs that focus on building relationships and skills. Reward employees based on performance.

4. Schedule activities outside of work that encourages communication and fun interactions. Promote healthy relationships and friendships among colleagues through social or community involvements.

5. Get employees� participation in hiring new talents and ask for referrals. Partner with schools to introduce the company�s culture, help build self-esteem and show benefits of diversity.

6. Provide diversity training to make employees more aware of what constitutes a diverse workplace. Show how each can contribute and how these efforts can help in the company�s success.

7. Make communication lines accessible across different generations (traditionalists, baby boomers, generations X, Y and Z) within a workplace. Use current technology to encourage participation and informality.

8. Develop company policies that are aligned with government laws on equal employment opportunity. Set a team that will focus on diversity policy implementation to ratify across-the-board changes.

9. Celebrate important events such as International Day to End Racism, Gay Pride celebrations in June, International Day of Person with Disabilities, and International Women�s Day every March.

10. Establish proper decorum on how to address transgendered or disable employees. Take down barriers to communication through openness and politeness.

Workplace diversity is inevitable. It will encroach on every aspect of one�s professional life, regardless. In spite of the challenges it may impose, managing diversity in the workplace should be everyone�s business. At best, diversity can provide improvements to the bottom line if nurtured and supported by management.

Diversity can also contribute to the company�s growth by allowing this collective knowledge or fresh perspectives drive innovations of products, methods and systems. Begin with making attempts at managing diversity in the workplace because no matter how minor, the impact will prove to be profound in the long run.

About the Author: Theodore Henderson is an author, coach, trainer, & speaker who is expert when it comes to Entrepreneur and Small Business strategies. To find out everything about him and his programs visit his website at

Keywords: diversity in the workplace, importance of diversity in the workplace, challenges of diversity in the workplace, Managing Diversity in the Workplace, Trends Driving diversity, Diversity in Entrepreneurship, Cultural Diversity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship

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