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The following article was published in our article directory on November 28, 2016.
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What Makes a Tofu Press a Great Investment

Article Category: Cooking

Author Name: Ted Strong

Not everyone who understands the health benefits of eating tofu can actually appreciate the food for what it�s worth. For a lot of people, tofu is as plain-tasting and unexciting as ordinary can be. But, vegetarians and connoisseurs of this wonder food could only disagree, as they know only too well the kind of mouthwatering promise tofu can bring to any meal.

With tofu, you can make or even innovate the most exciting dishes in the world. There is a wealth of tofu recipes on the internet that you can try in the comforts of your own kitchen. However, producing a tofu dish that is as scrumptious as the appetizers served in upscale specialty restaurants and five-star fine dining places is another matter.

As it turns out, cooking tofu without it falling apart is a challenge for many culinary novices. Little do they know that the secret to turning a boring block of soybean into a work of culinary genius lies not in how you fry it but rather in the technique of pressing the tofu.

Whether you prefer to go the conventional way of using pots and pans as weights or to use the latest in kitchen technology like a state-of-the-art tofu press, pressing your tofu actually makes the difference.

The Logic Behind Pressing Tofu

Tofu contains water that makes it soggy and can cause oil to spatter dangerously in the frying pan. Hence, draining it of water is indeed necessary. When you press out water by using either a heavy skillet or a tofu press, you end up with a tofu block that is firm or a little spongy and ideal for dicing into cubes and stir frying without it coming apart. A pressed tofu (depending on how much water has been drained) can easily crispen and absorb flavor.

Makeshift Press versus State-of-the-Art Tofu Press

There are two ways to drain tofu of unwanted water. The first and most common method is to use the resources in your kitchen as weights to press down your tofu.

This procedure needs a lot of paper towels. The paper towels are used to cover surfaces where you will place the tofu blocks. You will also place another paper towel on the surface of the tofu before putting the frying pan or cutting board, or whatever you can use as weight, on top of it. To make the weight heavier, you can pile cans or books on top of the pan or board. Leave the tofu sit for 15 minutes..

The trick there is to pile as many weights to press out unwanted water. It�s a kitchen trick that won�t cost you a dollar. However, if you find that method of pressing a bit daunting, then you can invest in a good tofu press to make the job easier for you.

A tofu press is a modern kitchen tool designed to serve as a convenient substitute to the makeshift method of pressing tofu. All you have to do is place the tofu block inside the tofu press container and press it using the assemble top. This method not only spares you from using up paper towels that end up in the trash or from accidentally breaking plates in the process, but it can also save you time and energy.

The downside, however, is that you may have to spend a pretty sum for just this single kitchen apparatus and the thought of having to spend for a tool that you won�t be needing a lot can put off a lot of people. On the other hand, if you use tofu frequently to whip up a scrumptious dinner for the family, then buying a tofu press can be a good investment.

This kitchen tool is very flexible. Its container may be converted into a marinating dish afterwards. If you�re not cooking tofu, you can use the tofu press to draw water out of thawed vegetables or press cheese and salad with it.

Definitely, a tofu press is not just good for one thing only. Its many uses actually makes it an excellent investment.

About the Author: Ted Strong is an expert when it comes to super tofu press, tofu, tofu press, tofu presser. To find out everything about super tofu press, tofu, tofu press, tofu presser.

Keywords: tofu press, tofu, super tofu press. tofu presser, ez tofu press

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