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The following article was published in our article directory on October 27, 2016.
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Article Category: Advice
Author Name: Linda Clay
The thought of change is hard. It rattles our cages, makes a hole in our safety net that's used to protect us from the unknown. Finding the ways to make it happen, the steps that are needed is even harder. There's that MONSTER lurking in the crevices of your mind when you start to think of making adjustments to your life, just waiting to jump out at anytime. It's called FEAR.
I've often thought how wonderful it would be to go to my local pharmacy, purchase an over the counter MAGIC pill, like Harry Potter's invisible cloak, pop one into my mouth, swallow it and I'd immediately be able to change my life any way I want just as Harry was able to move around without anyone knowing he was there.
Now wouldn't that be fantastic?
No FEAR lurking in the corners to pounce out at you, no queasy stomach making you feel sick, no doubts talking you out of it or those 'WHAT IF' questions pointing fingers at you.
Instead my SPECIAL LITTLE MAGICAL pill, once taken, would show your true inner strength, you know the strength you constantly question you have, but ACTUALLY do. It would lay out the path you needed to walk so you can change your life to EXACTLY how you dreamed it could be.
All the ANSWERS would be right there, in front of you, not covered up by the MUDDLED MESS of questions, doubts and fear in your mind.
Changes and life, of course, are not easy.
There are challenges.
There are struggles, both internal and external.
Leaving you feeling stuck, unable to move forward.
You know, in your gut, you want to change.
Logically you know change is good.
Growth ALLOWS you to become the person you are meant to be.
You know you're unhappy BUT and there is a big BUT!
The thought of changing creates an EARTHQUAKE OF FEAR moving through your body.
Just how do you do it then? How do you FIND what you need to start traveling a new highway in life, the one you've DREAMED of for years?
You do it ONE STEP at a time.
It doesn't have to be in LARGE chunks, you don't have to run a marathon to get to the finish line.
Change doesn't have to be MIND CRUSHING, like grapes when you make your batch of homemade wine. Stomping through the WAVES of doubt.
There is no SHAME in going slow, PLANTING the seeds of change, little by little so it grows.
We, as humans, tend to over analyze things, trust me when I say this, I know. I've held the title "The Queen of Over Analyzing Everything" until I learned I was actually increasing my fear to jump out at me, putting a damper on what I wanted, so now I instantly stop myself from questioning the future. After all, we really don't know how things will play out, do we?
When I work with my clients on their dreams and the changes and new direction they need, we take it slow and easy. Together we sort through their beautiful, muddled mess of thoughts, and ONE BY ONE we make a list of what needs to be done, prioritizing as we go.
It's not always easy but what I've found when you break down the BIG PICTURE into bite sizes pieces it's much easier to tackle and complete CHANGE. ONE STEP AT A TIME is all it takes.
"We make our own monsters, then fear them for what they show us about ourselves." - Mike Carey
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