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The following article was published in our article directory on September 27, 2016.
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Naturopathy in a Nutshell

Article Category: Medicines and Remedies

Author Name: Naturahealth, Integrative Medical Center

If you are seeking a more natural form of healthcare that focuses on your overall well-being and trusts in your power to self-heal, then naturopathy is here to provide you with benefits you would not be getting anywhere else.

What is Naturopathy?
Also known as naturopathic medicine, the term is a combination of the Latin root "natura" which means birth and the Greek root "pathos" which means suffering. Roughly translated, naturopathy means "natural healing" or nature as a healer of all diseases. To better understand why this branch of medicine has interested so many people for hundreds of years, one must be familiar with The 6 Basic Principles of Naturopathy.

First Do No Harm
Naturopathy evolved out of the desire to protect the body from harm as much as possible. It does not involve any invasive and life threatening surgeries that come with a risk each and every time. It also does not introduce harmful toxins to the body that alter its natural chemical composition.

The Healing Power of Nature
People sometimes underestimate the power of their own bodies. Naturopathic physicians now offer their services to help you unlock your body's full potential by facilitating an ordered self-healing process. If there is anything that is preventing your body from healing itself, you can turn to naturopathic practitioners. They will help you remove these "blockages" so that your body's natural healing power can do its work.

Identify and Treat the Cause
Traditional Western medicine operates on the system that taking drugs is the solution to your symptoms. But naturopathic medicine believes that in order to cure an ailment, one must first identify its underlying cause. By doing this, the likelihood of your symptoms recurring decreases.

Treat the Whole Person
Naturopathic medicine is committed to providing you with treatments that take on a holistic approach. It does not concentrate on your ailment alone, but takes into account your total body health and you as a person. This means that your mind, emotions, and environment are just as important when figuring out how to turn your body into the best it can be.

Doctor as Teacher
A naturopathic doctor's job does not end just because your treatment is over. They want you to experience continued healing even in your own home by imparting their knowledge onto you. They will teach you how to take care of your own body so that you can maintain optimum health all the time. Feel free to ask your doctors as much questions as you want and do not hold back on learning.

Prevention is Better Than Cure
You often hear this phrase because it is the truth. Your physician focuses on disease prevention by assessing potential threats such as hereditary diseases and other external risk factors. He/she will also teach you proper nutrition and exercise that will help prevent many of today's life threatening diseases. In many cases, preventive practices indeed make you healthier and less prone to getting sick.

Remember that your naturophatic doctors work in partnership with you to ensure your optimum health even after you have left their facilities. If you are ready for a safe and natural medical practice, naturopathy is here to provide you with just that.

About the Author: Naturahealth is an expert when it comes to Naturopathic Medicine. To find out everything about Naturopathic Doctor in Chandler AZ, visit Our website at

Keywords: acupuncture, alternative medicine, naturopath, homeopathy, natural doctor, Natural Pain Management

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