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The following article was published in our article directory on June 28, 2016.
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One Year Later: Mobilegeddon - The Impact

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Fusion Marketing

A little bit over a year ago, Google launched a web-based shot which would certainly be heard around the globe when the Mountain View, California-based company-- specializing in Internet-related services and products-- released a brand new mobile-responsive algorithm which would determine web page positioning following an Internet user's mobile search. Referred to as "Mobilegeddon," the launch consisted of the use of a computer algorithm that considered a site's "mobile friendliness" in recognition of the evolving use of mobile devices as opposed to desktop searches.

This innovative solution to the search engine process was a direct response to a growing industry trend. Following a steady increase, smart phone users finally surpassed desktop computer users with search requests in 2014. Finally soon after the April 21, 2015 unveiling of Mobilegeddon, Google began trying to more fully compensate sites who were understanding and utilizing mobile-friendly access by positioning their pages higher on the web index results search page, also referred to as SERP. That process was-- and still is-- a crucial factor to consider when it comes to any business with a presence on the World Wide Web.

Why is a mobile-responsive web site so critically crucial for virtually every business? Quite simply, it's the best method to ensure a company's message-- and products-- can reach the eyes of the customers most likely gain access to the internet through a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet. Meanwhile, sites failing to adopt mobile-friendly features are essentially penalized where searches involving mobile devices are concerned.
A quick search of "Responsive web design" reveals the answers about the importance of a mobile-friendly approach through Wikipedia, the free on-line encyclopedia embraced by countless users. According to the site: "Responsive web design is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience-- easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning and scrolling-- across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).".

The immediate impact.
Immediately following the heralded arrival of Mobilegeddon, there was a general shrug of disinterest throughout the industry. An initial review of date following the April 21, 2015 revolution showed a paltry 17.3 percent if 20,000 non-accommodating pages followed by analysts were eliminated from the initial pages of lists following the alteration of the algorithm. It was readily apparent that various sites were eliminated from the first page due to a lack of mobile resemblance; this pattern did not continue, however, where marked organizations were concerned. Those rankings changed only marginally. Early results revealed inconsistency, at best.

Times, they are a-changin' ... maybe.
The early results of the Mobilegeddon revolution may have been short of impactful for many enterprises enjoying an Internet presence, however that's not necessarily the case now. Google's second volley into cyberspace in mid-March 2016 arrived in a blog post declaring a refining of the rules in regarding to SERP. The statement in part stated: "... beginning in May, we'll start rolling out an update to mobile search results that increases the effect of the ranking signal to help our users find even more pages that are relevant and mobile friendly.".
The end result of this latest affirmation for Google to greatly improve website rankings has caught the undivided attention of search engine optimization (SEO) specialists (like the Roseville, Michigan-based Fusion Marketing operated by project manager John Hofmann) poised to help their clients looking to hold or establish prominent positions in cyberspace. While it's not entirely clear if this recommitment from Google to the concepts behind Mobilegeddon will gain traction, it's essential for industry insiders and those looking from the outside to stay vigilant.

So you're not mobile-responsive; now what?
The first (and most crucial step for any website owner questioning mobile compatibility is to take a deep breath, then let it out and relax. Mobile-friendly access is far from the only factor to think about when it comes to the web index results search page. Mobile compatibility represents simply one of more than 200 positioning variable that determine a web site ranking. Remember this factor: Per Google's "Inside Search" blog, non-mobile-only neighborly destinations may maintain their high positioning if those sites offer significant, beneficial substance the end consumers require. Summing it up as eloquently as possible, create visitors a website with quality content, and they will come.

Act now, before you've fallen behind competitors.
Use of the Internet from mobile devices has considerably risen as the latest advances in technology land in the hands of customers, and experts note there's no reason for that trend to end, barring the essentially unthinkable collapse of the World Wide Web. Among the endless arrays of texts, e-mails, entertainment, shopping and other social media activities, mobile phones have become ubiquitous in every day life. That's the reason why maintaining a responsive web site is so crucial to the bottom line for any business-- profitability.
Failing to take the essential steps to keep a web site in touch with the times is the very best way to fall behind the competition and to fade into eventual forced obsolescence. If any business hasn't started focusing more on the responsive design of a web site, the time is definitely right in light of Google's 2016 reaffirmation to the principles behind Mobilegeddon.

The significance of inner web site awareness.
Web index results search page awareness is a vital component related to managing a website, but businesses can easily get focused on the "where" of a site's ranking while blissfully ignoring the "what's going on behind the scenes." There's ample knowledge to be acquired from tracking the activities of visitors, including their areas of interest, the duration of time spent in particular areas and queries. From this data, it's possible for savvy web site specialists to redesign those electronic portals to provide the specific sort of information consumers are searching for on the web. The results are a more customer-friendly, mobile or immobile responsive site. There's truly no better way to achieve a stronger position on the Internet. Why not act today?

Michigan businesses that don't currently have a mobile ready responsive web site can acquire one from:

About the Author: Fusion Marketing assists local Michigan businesses with all of their promotional project needs including mobile ready responsive web site design.

Keywords: mobilegeddon, serp results, mobile website, responsive website design

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