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The following article was published in our article directory on March 21, 2016.
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First date tips for men - nail it!

Article Category: Dating

Author Name: PUA Freeman

First date tips for men: Loaded with uncomfortable pauses, off-limits topics, and the pressure to make an impression on someone you barely know, 1st dates are tricky. But there are a few shortcuts to results in this area, the creator of Seduction University Freeman gives you some great first date tips for men.

Do your research.

Meeting for the 1st time creates sufficient mystique on its own– make sure you are prepped in as many ways as feasible. Think back to your prior conversations. Has she pointed out a food she would like to try or a neighborhood that she intends to visit? Once you've made your decision, make a restaurant reservation, and do some research. Does the place turn into a nightclub at 11 p.m.?

Is the restaurant famous for margaritas? Know this, and share this info with her. It shows that you were thoughtful enough to invest more than the five minutes before you saw her to organize the date.

Also do a little research on her. No, we don't condone stalking. But if you've spoken at all prior to the date, you should have noted any specifics she mentioned about herself; be sure to brush up on them before the date. If you ask her where she's from, even though she already told you on the phone, it might seem like you're dating too many girls, or just aren't attentive.

Don't be afraid of chivalry! It's not dead ...

Think James Bond... Pull out a chair, open a door, allow her order first. These old-school steps go a very long way. But more importantly, pay attention to her experience– this is what chivalry is all about these days. Before you order another round of beverages, make certain she wants the same thing that she's sipping now. If she isn't sipping her wine, she might not like it, so ask her. Then you get to do the dirty work of asking the server for something else, and she gets to admire your assertiveness. You both win (but particularly you).

Be like bond! First date tips for men

Make a good impression.

Focusing on her is essential, but don't forget that she is focusing on you. So be your optimal self: Tip well, fold your napkin, and be pleasant to the staff wherever you dine. Making friends with your server is a simple way to turn an OK meal into a fantastic one. Also essential: wear something suitable that works for the setting. Take off your coat or baseball hat, or else it will look like you don't intend to stay very long.

Forget about money.

Don't pick somewhere super expensive, thinking you will impress her. Fancy places are land mines for uncomfortable moments– she might feel underdressed, worry about ordering something too pricey or the tone may be too formal. Somehow the stakes immediately rise with the prices, so it's better to keep things chilled in terms of mood and money.

Take the lead ... always

In most cases, your date really wants you to be in charge, so don't delay fumbling around to figure out who should take charge. If she is fidgeting, ask for the check, get it, pay it, and get out of there. If she seems unsure of what to order, offer to order a couple of things to share. Don't stress if it's the wrong call– she'll be happy you were man enough to make a selection.

Be like Nike, Just Do It!

Independent women are happy to stick up for what they want– you should be also. Be an alpha male – if you want to carry on the date elsewhere, do it. She'll decline if she isn't into it. Then you'll be back at rule number 1.

About the Author: PUA Freeman is an international pick up artist and dating coach. He is the creator of Seduction University ( and travels the world helping guys to grow their confidence with women.

Keywords: first date advice for men, first date tips for men, first dates, dating advice

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