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The following article was published in our article directory on January 21, 2016.
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Be Careful to the Side Effects of Carbamazepine

Article Category: Medical Business

Author Name: Venus Timberlake

It is known that carbamazepine is a common psychiatric drugs. It can treat epilepsy including partial seizures, complex partial seizures, simple partial seizures, secondary generalized seizures, and generalized seizures. It is effective to trigeminal neuralgia, central or partial diabetes insipidus, prevention or treatment of manic - depression. However, carbamazepine may also cause some side effects. It requires caution when take the pills.

What's the side effects and adverse reactions? Its side effects conclude fatigue, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness. It may also cause aplastic anemia and toxic hepatitis. The common adverse reactions are blurred vision or diplopia. Overdosage of carbamazepine can cause severe dizziness or drowsiness, slow or shallow (respiratory depression),irregular breathing,tremor and abnormal heartbeat. Signs and symptoms of acute poisoning usually appear in 1-3 hours after the first occurrence of excessive intake. Neuromuscular symptoms such as anxiety, muscle twitching, mydriasis, nystagmus, High blood pressure or low blood pressure may happen. In addition, carbamazepine stimulates antidiuretic hormone release, which may cause water retention. Significant volume expansion and dilution hyponatremia are abnormal secretion of antidiuretic hormone disorder. Patients will have drowsiness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, mental and (or) neurological disorders. What's more, since chemical structure of carbamazepine is similar to tricyclic antidepressants, it may stimulate potential psychosis and mental disorder or agitation of the elderly. The incidence of adverse reactions of the central nervous system increase with plasma concentration (greater than 8.5-10μg / ml). Nausea, vomiting,leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, drug fever, increased eosinophils, whole body lupus erythematosus-like reactions, hyponatremia and toxic hepatitis would happen later.

So people have to be cautious when they take carbamazepine. It can cause hypothyroidism and large doses can cause atrioventricular block. So heart, liver dysfunction, early pregnant women and lactating women are contraindicated and people with glaucoma, severe cardiovascular diseases as well as the elderly should take it with caution. There are some tips for taking carbamazepine.

(1)It has cross-allergic reactions with tricyclic antidepressants.
(2)Check the whole blood cell examination (including platelet reticulocytes and serum),urine routine, eyes, liver function as well as blood concentration of carbamazepine during medication.
(3)Do not use carbamazepine tablets to relieve general pain.
(4)Diabetes patients may cause increasement of urine sugar.
(5)Patients with epilepsy can not stop taking it suddenly.
(6)Patients who have taken other antiepileptics drugs need to increase dosage of carbamazepine tablets gradually for it can avoid the decline of plasma concentration induced by oneself.
(7)Stop medication if liver toxicity, bone marrow suppression symptoms or adverse reactions of cardiovascular system appear.
(8)If pain has been relived completely, reduce dosage gradually until stop taking it.
(9)Taking carbamazepine after meals can relieve gastrointestinal reactions. Take the missed pills as soon as possible instead take twice at one time.

About the Author: Venus Timberlake is an expert when it comes to life scinece. To find everything about carbamazepine, visit her website at Creative Diagnostics.

Keywords: carbamazepine,antibody,tips,health

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