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The following article was published in our article directory on December 17, 2015.
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Chiropractic Treatments

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Dr. Joseph Lupo

Chiropractic Treatments

Although chiro doctors main method of treatment typically consists of the spinal adjustment (spinal manipulation), chiro doctors also implement many adjunctive therapies and applications in order to provide the most effective and efficient relief from neuromusculoskeletal ailments.


The chiropractic spinal adjustment represents the cornerstone of the chiropractic treatment. Spinal manipulations are used effectively to manage a variety of different soft tissue problems as well as a number of other health concerns. Chiropractic doctors are the only health care professionals trained to deliver the chiropractic spinal manipulation.

Spinal adjustments or spinal manipulation is the process of applying a quick but gentle pressure to "subluxated" vertebrae in a corrective manner. The manipulations are not and should not hurt. As a matter of fact, most patients look forward to their chiropractic manipulations as they usually provide immediate relief from discomfort and boost one's sense of well being. Years of study and practice are required to acquire the skills of providing an effective and safe spinal manipulation.

Research has shown spinal adjustments to be the most effective treatment in numerous conditions including back pain. This is because spinal adjustments correct many of the structural, biomechanical and neurological abnormalities of the spine which cause or contribute to a high number of back, neck and other non-spinal ailments.


Soft Tissue & Massage Therapy

There are a number of soft tissue therapy techniques which can be effectively implemented to assist in the decrease of pain and muscle hypertonicity and spasm. Many of these include massage therapy, trigger point therapy, somatic therapy, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, acupressure point therapy, and rolfing. The need and advantages of these therapies vary from patient to patient. Depending on your condition and response to treatment we may incorporate one or more of these therapies into your treatment plan.

Therapeutic Activity

Physical exercise For Life

Workout is vital for a long, healthy and vibrant life. It has been scientifically shown to enhance health by decreasing blood cholesterol levels, strengthening the immune system, reducing body fat, increasing one's sense of well being, and improving muscle strength, tone and function.

Chiropractic practitioners understand the importance of activity and the essential role it plays in health. We urge all patients to take part in physical activities which promote cardiovascular health and can assist you finding the right activity. We do recommend those over the age of 40 or those with known health issues to consult our office prior to initiating any physical exercise regimen.

Exercise For Injuries

Therapeutic activities for the neck, back, and extremities are an essential part of the rehabilitative process following injury. Chiropractic doctors commonly prescribe specific strengthening and stabilizing physical exercises and stretches for their patients with back, neck and extremity troubles.

Physical exercises supply many benefits during the healing and preventative stages. Early on, activity prevents muscle deterioration and promotes joint health. Later on, exercises boost strength, proprioception and stability to protect from new injuries and recurrences of past problems.

Therapeutic Stretches

Therapeutic stretching is crucial to prevent scar tissue and adhesion formation following injury. Stretching is most effective when initiated early on in the treatment plan before scar tissues become permanent.

Managing a regular stretching program once the rehabilitation stage of treatment has been completed will help keep tissues flexible and loose, improving mobility and protecting against the development of new injuries.

Physical Modalities

There are some physical modalities which in certain cases can supply additional pain relief and accelerated healing. Several of these more common modalities include muscle stimulation, interferential stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, and diathermy (deep heating modality).

Employee Health Training & Education

Employee health training and education is focused on reducing work-related injuries. Optimal workstation setup, the employment of ergonomics, training of proper lifting techniques, adequate physical conditioning and the employment of appropriate safety precautions all play important roles in employee health, work injury prevention, and employee contentment.

Part of any successful and effective treatment plan should address these issues.

Diet & Nutritional Counseling

Dietary and nutritional imbalances are accountable for and contribute to a great number of conditions and illnesses which are prevalent in today's society. The top killers including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer have all been linked in numerous ways to diet and nutrition.

Chiropractic doctors receive thorough training in the areas of human diet and nutrition. We can construct a personalized dietary or nutritional course to minimize the risk of developing these killer ailments and to assist your body in achieving and preserving optimal health and superior wellness.

Lifestyle Modification Counseling

Good health is far more than the absence of pain or discomfort. Health exists along a very wide scale and where you lie on that scale largely depends on the lifestyle choices you make on a daily basis. Years of many small unhealthy choices can manifest into very serious health troubles. Unhealthy choices such as habitual poor posture, incorrect lifting techniques, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, excessive reliance on medication, excessive soda and coffee intake, excessive saturated fat consumption, lack of nutritious vegetables and fruits, and excessive mental stress. These slowly chip away at your good health. We can help you sort through and identify those unhealthy decisions and provide you with practical strategies to deal with and effectively manage them.

About the Author: Dr Joseph Lupo, a chiropractor in Warren MI who has been serving Michigan clients for 37 years can be reached at or via his Michigan chiropractor blog.

Keywords: Chiropractor in Warren MI, Michigan Chiropractor, Lupo Chiropractic

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