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The following article was published in our article directory on October 15, 2015.
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How to Use Periscope in YOUR Marketing

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Scott Lindstrom

The #1 thing I get all the time is how to get more user engagement

and how to go about doing that is going to determine if or not you are going to be successful with Periscope or not...

There is a popularity in live streaming right now... Big name Motivational speakers are leveraging the power of Periscope to grow their business.

I am not here to give you all warm and fuzziness I am here to give you the cold hard truth you need to take enticing titles for you scopes this will draw more followers to your scope...

I want to tell you how to use Periscope immediately and some things to do to build your account

You got a new tool and its important to use it the RIGHT WAY...a lot of marketers have come across Periscope and have given up...

People are being too hyped and over promotional which turn people off...

Here are what you need to do


O.K so you need to build something out of nothing... how...?? SIMPLE . .. test it out...

Sure people like to get tips that will help the in their business or grow a online business however people want to connect with you on a more personal level.

People want to know that you are a real person who has interests in different things such as hanging out with your kids exercising or playing a musical instrument

Allow people to see who you really are and the ones who relate to you are going to want to follow you and will show up to follow you on every live stream and they are getting the chance to hang out with you for a couple of minutes...

By building a following people feel more comfortable to look at what your business is what you are promoting.

UNDERSTAND THIS PEOPLE WANT TO BE TREATED HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. DO you want to have someone do a pitch fest on you then why would you think someone would want one.

Make An Announcement

Once you have a following you can use Periscope to make an announcement about something that you have coming up. You can announce such thing as LIVE webinars you are doing, a new service you are providing or anything else that is may be valuable to our followers.

When you make announcements be sure to give something away ( giving value ) If you are doing a webinar tell people watching about some of the points that you will be covering on that webinar and why they should opt in to register for it

Live Question and Answer Sessions

Periscope is a great platform to hold live Q & A sessions for your followers. Because of the ease of its use Periscope makes a ideal platform to use to

You can shoot an email off to your list and send out a broadcast and let people know you will be streaming live on Periscope at a certain time and let them know that it is a good opportunity to get any questions answered. they have a bout the business opportunity blog posts tips and trick or whatever else you are sending them.

Take time to build a following before you do anything else... build your following through different topics and once you find certain topics that people are most attracted to, stick with those topics and continue to grow.

I am not talking about bait and switch! Make sure you are using hash tags as your scope will appear in twitter directories look at the 2 following titles

Tips For The Periscope Newbie


5 #Tips for #Periscope Newbies to Get a Large Following

Don't hashtag your title to death but it makes the scope more searchable

Here are some tips to help you

As Soon As The Broadcast Begins Start Talking – You can save the " MEAT" in your broadcast for a little later but don't wait for the room to fill up to talk start right away
Save Your Scopes – Make sure you have your setting set to save your scope. You can re-purpose these by uploading them to social media sites...
Use hashtags this will drive people to your broadcast. If relevant, use trending tags on Twitter ( No more then 2 hashtags ) don't want it to look spammy.
PROMOTE – PROMOTE – PROMOTE your Periscopes and Broadcasts. Put "Follow Me On Periscope @_____" on all your bios on other social channels. Promote upcoming scopes on all your social channels. Create IFTTT ( IF this then that ) It's a app that you can get on Android I think recipes on google calendar to auto tweet your scopes 15 minutes in advance
Put your phone on "DO NOT DISTURB" Incoming calls and text messages can mess up your broadcast...
If You Would Like To Download A Free PDF on Periscope and Recieve A Free Training Then Go Here

Lets Go over the Heart System

All you have to do is tap the screen while you are watching them even if it is a replay. Think the the hearts as a social currency much like the likes on FB the more hearts you have the more people are going to pay attention to you. If its something your doing must be worth watching and people will check out what you got going on...

Ask people to give you hearts and tell people how to do it ( tap, tap, tap on their screen )

Giving your fellow broadcasters hearts is a way for them to go back and check your live broadcasts out..and literally you can give someone a couple of hundred hearts in a matter of minutes.

ENGAGE With The People That Engage With You!

When you are broadcasting you will see who is joining imeditally. The easiest way to engage with thoes who are watching live is to say "Hi" to them! You can ask everyone where they are from...

You got to engage and build rapport with them

With anything the more you do this the easier and natural is going to be and the more people are going to engage with you and that is what you want if you hope to evenually be able to make money on the people that are following you.

Final Thoughts...

Here it is... if you want to use this platform to make money you have got to start out by building and following. If you just jump and start promoting your business your going to be turned off. Allow people to get to know you...

Once you have built your following you can get some creative ideas and start introducing your business in your scopes...

You will slip into a routine where you are giving your followers a good mix of value and promotion.The more you show up you are going to get more practice and being in front of people

Learn, Train, Succeed

About the Author: Scott Lindstrom is an expert when it comes to lead getting strategies and tips for your home based business go to My Blog. To find out everything about getting more leads for your home business, visit his website at

Keywords: How to Use Periscope

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