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The following article was published in our article directory on August 26, 2015.
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What is Binge Drinking?

Article Category: Opinions

Author Name: Mark Noo

The actual amount of alcohol you need to drink in a session for it to be classified as binge drinking varies depending on who you ask, but the standard definition is around eight units of alcohol (around 3 pints of strong beer), and 2-3 units of alcohol for women (around two large glasses of wine) ingested in a short time period.
However, these numbers are far from accurate, and in the real world, binge drinking is better defined by the level of drunkenness than the quantity of alcohol. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) designates binge drinking as "a pattern of drinking that brings a person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) to.08 % or above".
In layperson's words, if you're drinking to "get drunk ", you're binge drinking.
What Are The Consequences Of Binge Drinking?
Numerous studies have confirmed that drinking substantial quantities of alcohol in single drinking sessions is actually a bit more detrimental to your health and well-being than drinking lesser amounts on a regular basis.
In lots of nations, binge drinking is considered an acceptable social activity among developing professionals and college age kids. Regular binge drinking is normally viewed as a initiation rite into adulthood.
Binge drinkers exercise incredibly imperfect judgment and aggressiveness. Binge drinkers often arrive at bad decisions they wouldn't make when sober or when drinking within their limits.
2. Accidents and falls are commonplace. This is because of the dangerous effects drunkenness has on judgment, balance and motor skills.
3. In rare circumstances, binge drinkers can experience fatal alcohol poisoning. Binge drinkers are also vulnerable to suffocating to death on their own vomit if they lose consciousness on their back. If you're taking care of an individual that is passed out drunk, always make sure to keep them face down.
4. Binge drinking is a gateway to long-term abuse and dependency. Everybody that has ever abused alcohol or eventually become an alcoholic has binged. This does not suggest binge drinking brings about alcohol dependence, after all, most binge drinkers are functional members of society. For people who have obsessive leanings or for whom alcohol dependency runs deep in the family, eliminating binge drinking sessions may be a way to avert nose-diving into the trap of alcohol dependency in the first place.
5. Binge drinking can cause clinical depression in certain people, especially when its utilized as a way to cover-up psychological pain.
6. Routinely taking part in binge drinking poses long-term health and wellness risks, normally including magnified possibility of stroke, cardiovascular disease, liver disease, and high blood pressure.

Should I Discontinue Binge Drinking Completely?

If you have difficulties with alcohol, then yes, binge drinking is a definite no-no. Countless blossoming adults get drunk on weekends and have a fabulous time.
I had a good time drinking and partying in college and a fair bit afterwards. Needlessly to say, things started going downhill for me eventually, but I have plenty of good friends who party and binge on occasion, but do so sensibly and lead thoroughly productive lives with no alcohol tolerance or abuse problems.
I can't instruct you not to binge drink, having said that, I can instruct you that it's not without its hazards. I am able to instruct you to be careful and recognize that even though you're young you're absolutely not superhuman. Accidents and mistakes do happen, and some of these accidents and problems can have irreversible, life changing consequences. Sometimes, all it takes is 1 night to change your life permanently.
If you are going to drink to get drunk, do this as responsibly as possible. Pay attention these warning signs that might tell you when your weekend social binge drinking has changed into a serious alcohol problem:
* The repercussions of a wild night out are continuously escalating
* You start to binge drink more and more often
* You're running into troubles with the law
* You've had a pregnancy scare
* You drink and drive
* You hardly ever go more than a couple weeks without binge drinking
* You've passed out somewhere with no one to look out for you
* You've thrown up in your sleep
* You're running up charge card debt to pay for your bar-hopping habits
* You have unsafe sex
* Friends/family have actually confronted you about your drinking
* You binge drink alone (massive warning here).

In numerous nations, binge drinking is regarded as an acceptable social activity amongst younger professionals and college or university age kids. Routine binge drinking is often seen as a rite of passage into adulthood. Binge drinkers frequently make imperfect judgments they would not make when clear-headed or when drinking within their limits. For those with addictive tendencies or for whom alcohol dependency runs the family, avoiding binge drinking sessions may be a way to keep away from diving into the snare of alcoholism to begin with.
If you have issues with alcohol, then yes, binge drinking should be avoided.

About the Author: Mark Noo is an expert when it comes to alcoholics. To find out everything about binge drinking, visit his website at

Keywords: binge drinking, alcohol abuse, alcoholism

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