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The following article was published in our article directory on July 4, 2015.
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Lose Weight the Healthy Way

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Cindy Seelbinder

Losing weight is always difficult and comes with unhealthy side effects to the body, especially if done in haste. Most slimming supplements contain stimulants like caffeine, which increase the metabolism and fat-burning mechanism of the body. Common effects of stimulants include erratic changes in the sugar level in the blood and increased vital signs which include the heart rate, pulse rate and respiratory rate. It's a good thing that another type of slimming supplement is now available in the form of Garcinia Cambogia extract.

This slimming component is an appetite suppressant which regulates hunger pangs by increasing the level of Serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is the hormone in charge of signaling the body to feel satisfied. It also contains Hydroxyl-Citric acid (HCA) which prevents fat synthesis and storage into the body by inhibiting the production of the enzyme Citric Acid Lyase. Garcinia Cambogia can be considered as a wonder drug for shedding pounds because it keeps hunger at bay and eliminates fats from the body, two sure-fire ways to slim-down.

As good as Garcinia Cambogia may seem, some still do not believe its effectiveness as a slimming product. However, a study done by a respected educational institution rebuked this negative claim. During the course of the study, two groups of people were both instructed to exercise regularly and equally limit their food intake every day. One group was given Garcinia Cambogia supplement daily while the other group was given placebo pills in order for all of them to psychologically believe that they are taking the slimming supplement.

After two weeks, results show that those who took Garcinia Cambogia lost more significant weight than the other group. Those who belonged in the control group also developed slimmer waists after the study. These findings prove that the product works whether or not it is used along with regular exercise and diet. It is also effective in fat elimination as shown by the decreased fat storage in the waist.

Contrary to other weightloss components that act as metabolic stimulants, Garcinia Cambogia has other health benefits while helping the body lose weight. Because it is an appetite suppressant, it also helps control the sugar and cholesterol levels in the blood. If properly regulated, this supplement could help resolve type II Diabetes and Hypertension upon long-term use. There is only one uncertain issue about this product. According to some critics, Garcinia Cambogia has damaging effects to the liver when used for a long time. However, this claim is yet to be confirmed by a scientific study.

In order to maximize the benefits of Garcinia Cambogia supplements, experts suggest some useful tips. In choosing the best brand, always check if it is made in USA, contains 50-60% HCA and uses only all-natural products. The extract may not be very potent if mixed with chemicals, so brands with artificial coloring and coatings should be avoided.

Shedding-off some weight could be healthy if done for the purpose of staying fit and healthy. Also, it should be done with the right product in order to avoid getting sick on the process of losing weight. Lastly, regular exercise and a balanced diet should also be incorporated to the weightloss program in order for the body to adjust well through the changes.

About the Author:
Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Lose weight, appetite suppressant, loss of belly fat, diets, diet pill, diet supplement. Everything about Garcinia Cambogia ExtractSpinDistribute Article Distribution System. We also offer a Pro Article Writing Service to everyone who needs premium quality well-researched articles. Network

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