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The following article was published in our article directory on June 18, 2015.
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Being a Vegetarian: Is it Good

Article Category: Aging

Author Name: Tara Lang

Many people are shifting into vegetarian diet for a better health, which is a diet of no meat and consumption of only vegetables and fruits. Foods that came from various plants are good enough to maintain the body's good health.

There are four kinds of vegetarian, and you don't even have to eat veggies and fruits alone to be called one. There are those who also consume dairy products together with their plant foods. Most of them also consume honey. The second type is those who eat eggs but no other dairy products. There are also those who eat both eggs and dairy. And of course, there are those who only eat fruits and vegetables, also known as vegan.

Being a vegetarian has various benefits for health and beauty. At first, those benefits were only unreliable and not proven by science. Today, however, a lot of studies have already proven some of those benefits such as:

Having lower body weight. A study discovered that those who continuously eat meat will gain a lot of weight in 5 years compared to those who only eat vegetables within the same time period.

Better cholesterol levels. Studies showed that certain diets made up of specific plant foods can lower the levels of cholesterol as much as a drug treatment can.

Having longer life span. A lot of studies have already proven that vegetable diets decrease the risks of obesity, heart ailments , and diabetes. Such diseases can reduce a person's life expectancy if not cured.

Having lower risks of certain cancers. Research found out that those who regularly eat vegetables have lower risk of having certain cancers compared to those who consume meat. However, the studies also found out that those who only eat vegetables have higher risks of developing colon cancer.

Low chances of bone problems. People who eat vegetables will have lower chances of incurring gout for not eating animal protein. Also, a diet with only vegetables in it can be useful for people with rheumatoid arthritis. Vegetable diet can also help prevent osteoarthritis due to the diet having high levels of plant estrogen.

Low or no chances of allergies and migraine. Certain compounds from animal protein can cause migraine and certain allergies. If you opt out of eating animal meat, your migraine and some allergic reactions will lessen or even go away naturally. While there are still plant sources that can cause allergy, a vegetarian diet can still significantly reduce the allergens you suffer from.

Reduced body odor and bad breath. Of course, most plants don't have bad smell, especially plant foods except for garlic and onion. Dairy products and meat are some of the main causes of the body's high acidity levels, body odor, and bad breath. Garlic and onion do have bad smell, but for the only reason that they contain sulfur, an antioxidant that detoxifies the liver.

Reduction of inflammation. Inflammation can cause a lot of serious diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. Plant foods do not only ward off inflammation; some of them are proven to reduce this condition.

Probably the most popular reason for many people, especially women, to shift to fruit and vegetable diet is its anti-aging properties. Plant foods are superfoods. They have a lot of antioxidants and they are natural beauty agents. If you are in a diet like this, the amount of money you spend on age-defying creams and supplements will surely go down.

About the Author: Tara Lang devotes her life to helping adults & children, she is the owner of Ageless Vitality & Health which features healthy remedies and is head minister, teacher & transformational coach of an interfaith church, Spirit of the Lotus. Visit:

Keywords: anti-aging, serum for the face, organic, vitamin c serum, natural, healing, healthy choice, senior, anti-wrinkle, aging, exercise, vegetarian, vegan, best product, wellness, financial prosperity

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