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The following article was published in our article directory on June 1, 2015.
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Habits That Result to Damaged Voice

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: JeMon

Singers are a lot like athletes. Before a show, singers also need to warm-up their voices. Singers, like athletes also need a lot of practice. They are not too different from athletes. Just like athletes, they also need to be careful since one little mistake can cause them their career. One bad habit and they can have a damaged voice.

As time goes by and a person gets older, they develop bad habits. There are even people who are oblivious about the bad habits that can damage voice. Hence, here are those habits so that aspiring singers and even regular people can avoid getting damaged vocal cords.

Avoid Dehydration

One of the most important things that singers can do to avoid damaging their voice is to stay hydrated. Hence, they must always bring a yoga water bottle wherever they go. Staying hydrated helps singers avoid getting vocal injuries. This is especially important during summer time when the temperature is high. It is important to drink eight to ten glasses of water per day but this may vary depending on the person's needs. At any rate, singers would do well to keep a water bottle nearby.

Staying hydrated is not for singers only. Being well hydrated helps people avoid infections and illnesses like the simple cold. Even the slightest lack of fluids can cause headaches and even fatigue. If you're a singer, buy a Sport water bottle bpa free that you can fill with water before you rehearse.

Avoid Excess Caffeine and Alcohol

Avoiding caffeine and alcohol is important because these can lead to dehydration. Alcohol can also cause the muscles in the throat to contract. This can affect a singer's range. Caffeine on the other hand aids in drying the throat. It's not bad to drink coffee but it is important to avoid too much of it. Consequently, if one fails to avoid drinking coffee, follow it up with a glass of water. Better yet, buy a sport water bottle with handle that you can take anywhere.

Avoid Skipping Warm-ups

Just like athletes, singers need to warm up before they perform to avoid getting injured. Going through warm ups help singers calm their throat and this can help them get a hold of their breathing.

Avoid Overuse of Voice

It is normal to scream and use your loud voice especially if one is attending a concert or is at a party. However, after all the yelling, a person may experience a hoarse voice. It is important for people to avoid too much screaming. This may be all right to do occasionally but screaming and being very load can really destroy the vocal cords. Hence, as much as possible, always use your normal voice. After screaming in a concert, take some rest. Also, do not drink cold water immediately. Wait until the pain subsides. It is best to have tepid water in a plastic water bottle and drink this instead.

Avoid Belting without Proper Training

Belting is a style of singing that creates volume and power. Though this is good to hear, it can cause danger for singers who are very inexperienced. Without proper training, one can put too much force and this can lead to damages in the vocal cords resulting to trauma. Belting is not for all kinds of voices and even those who are naturally gifted need to take a lot of time to practice. Some singers even take years before they try this method of singing. Nevertheless, there are other ways to generate power. After an appropriate time of practice and learning various methods, assess yourself if you are ready to start belting notes. However, start slowly and never rush into belting notes.

It is vital for singers to avoid bad habits that can endanger their career. Singers need to think about every move they make and everything that can affect their vocal cords. Mentioned above are some of these habits.

About the Author: check it out here:

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