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The following article was published in our article directory on May 13, 2015.
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Coping With Unemployment Stress

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: Russell (Rusty) Hart

Unemployment can be extremely stressful. Not only do most people have to cope with the inevitable financial concerns but they also have to deal with the negative impact upon their self-esteem and self-confidence. It is important when coping with unemployment stress to learn how to manage it rather than give in to it. Stress management is all about self-care and can even be a lot of fun.

Some enjoyable ways to approach stress management include techniques such as meditation, music, dancing, taking aerobic exercise and seeking social support. All of these lead to the increased sense of well-being that is especially important when dealing with unemployment.

Simply experimenting with something you have never tried before can not only alleviate stress but also lead to the sense of achievement necessary to boost self-esteem.

In order to cope effectively with unemployment stress you have to become your own best friend. You need to be supportive, constructive and appreciative of yourself and your strengths. Make a list of all of your personal skills and resources and then think about situations in your life that you have resolved by utilizing them.

Think about the times that you have gained positive feedback and about the achievements that make you proudest. Also think about the things that you enjoy doing most and recall those times, considering ways you can replicate them.

All of your skills, abilities, qualities, attitudes and knowledge add up to your assets. How can you capitalize on these assets to take yourself forward to new employment?

Now think about your key external resources - those people, places and things that can be included as part of your support system right now. How can you utilize or develop these resources to help you cope with the stress of being unemployed?

Another excellent stress management technique when out of work is to ask productive questions. You could, for example, ask yourself what is good about unemployment. It could mean that you now have the opportunity to spend more time with family and friends, to study or to pursue other interests. Even thinking about the bad side of unemployment can be a positive experience when it comes to tackling the associated stress.

Some aspects of the situation may be out of your control but there are always things that you can do to turn around the negatives. Rather than feeling lonely, for example, you could think about the steps you can take to create a daily structure which involves interacting with your peer group. Or you could find situations in your daily life where you could apply your professional skills by, for example, volunteering or donating your time to charitable enterprises.

It is important to examine your core beliefs when coping with unemployment stress as these drive so many of our thoughts and actions. You need to consider how you interpret your situation and if your thoughts are realistic, compassionate and balanced.

Ask yourself if you're taking all your experience into account, whether you have considered all possibilities and if you have all of the information that you need. If you shared your core beliefs with someone who cares about you, do you think they would accept your interpretations or would they offer an alternative point of view?

We can only cope with stress effectively when we are responding to reality rather than some imagined negative scenario. Keeping the focus on reality also stops us obsessing over negative self talk that is both stressful and unhelpful.

Rather than asking yourself: 'What is wrong with me?' think about the value you have offer a potential employer. Instead of wondering when your situation will ever end ask yourself what small step you can take right now to help yourself feel better.

Approach each day in this positive manner and you will find coping with unemployment stress far easier which, in turn, will put you in a much better position to find a new job.

About the Author: Russell Hart is founder of the Health, Fitness & Sport Club, a website devoted to health and fitness. Visit the HF & S Club home site for over1,300 quality posts with new posts being published daily. Select any of 20 Categories over 260 Sub-Categories.
Go to healthfitnessandsport 

Keywords: stress,unemployment,unemployment stress,out of work,job seeking

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