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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on May 29, 2015.
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The Best Workout Supplements

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Jim Patterson

There are a lot of supplements available that claim to improve your physique, health, athletic performance or your figure. The best types are supported with clinical researches that verify the claims of their manufacturers. Workout supplements can offer numerous advantages such as boosting your performance during training sessions although it is essential to acknowledge that they should never be used as substitute for hard work or a healthy diet. These workout supplements may however supply you with the added edge that you are searching for.

Wisely select your workout supplements and only buy the highest-quality products according to your budget since health and fitness experts contend that product quality may differ from one manufacturer to another. Below are some of the must-try workout supplements:

L-Carnitine - This workout supplement has various wonderful impacts. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, these benefits include the following:
- Improved memory, alertness and mental function
- Enhanced recovery following strenuous exercise
- Maintenance of normal testosterone levels
- Reduction of muscle soreness and damage
- Improved delivery of oxygen to your muscles

To achieve the maximum results from L-carnitine supplementation, the recommended dose is 1 to 2 grams daily taken on an empty stomach.

Branched Chain Amino Acids or BCAA - This is a term used to refer to valine, isoleucine and leucine, which are digested within the muscles during vigorous exercise. BCAA supplementation can boost your period of recovery after extensive resistance training and is utilized by people who are engaged with strength training.

There are certain researches that indicate that BCAAs are advantageous to endurance athletes as they can avoid fatigue from happening and aid in the reduction of catabolism or muscle catabolism. To achieve optimum outcomes, take 3 to 5 grams of BCAAs 30 minutes after a training session.

Zinc l-monomethionine Aspartate or ZMA - is a special combination of vitamin B-6, magnesium and zinc. If you are engaged in strenuous training sessions, there is a high possibility that your body lacks these important nutrients. According to research, ZMA has been indicated to help increase the levels of testosterone, promote restful sleep, delay fatigue, improve mood and strengthen the immune system.

To get the most out of your supplementation, it is best to take it at bedtime to boost your recovery rate from training while you sleep. This supplement is ideal for all types of individuals engaged in strenuous exercise.

Whey Protein - Supplementation with protein can be very advantageous if you perform extensive strength training and whey protein is known as the most biological valuable form of protein available. If your daily diet lacks in protein, your body will not have ample supply of the important founding blocks that it requires - called the amino acids, to allow your muscles to recover after your workouts.

This valuable protein offers a fast and easy way for you to get ample protein into your daily diet. You can also utilize it as a way to compensate with any protein deficiency in your everyday protein consumption. When choosing whey protein products, it is advisable to go for those that have no sweeteners or artificial colors and flavors since they may cause unwanted side effects.

About the Author: Jim Patterson is an expert when it comes to fitness. 72 years old and in perfect health. NITRIC.ORG is your place to find out more about supplements and excerise programs

Keywords: health, crossfit, workout, vitamins, supplements, Increase Endurance, workout, recovery, improve memory, fitness, health equipment

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