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The following article was published in our article directory on May 15, 2015.
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Charting the Flow of Economy

Article Category: Education

Author Name: Maxell Aguiran

In news that may ruin a lot of people's notion about wine, China has recently overtaken France as the world's owner of the second largest wine growing area behind Spain. With almost 800,000 hectares of vineyards, China quickly became an emerging player in the wine industry, thanks to its wine-growing area increase from 4% in 2000 to 11% today. Although this may seem like growth in a single aspect of its economy, it cannot be denied that China is fast becoming a major leader in the global economy.

Meanwhile, Western mainstays like the United Kingdom are currently experiencing a slump not only on its petroleum sales but with its retails as well. In fact, retail sales fell 0.5% in March, a result of the 6.2% drop in petrol sales according to experts. According to them, this decrease and slump in the growth can be caused by the people's fear to spend.

Heard in a speech delivered by Indonesian president President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said that he believes Africa and Asia, through cooperation, can fashion themselves as examples of an emerging economic power. Politics aside, this statement exemplifies the fact that as the world changes, new countries rise to take the center stage, powered by their economy. Perhaps, Indonesia can be considered as a rising star in Asia and the same could be said for its neighbors. Will it then be applicable to say that the world is now witnessing a shift in power?

The world, currently experiencing a shift of powers, both in politics and economy, is stuck in a crossroad. Will this change of leadership continue with its original trajectory or will another turn should be expected? Evidence says that there are a number of rising economies in Asia, with Greece and other European and Western countries experience decline. If that trend continues, the world is poised to witness the arrival of new economic leaders.

According to a survey of economic experts by a notable international financial institution, of the top five rising global economies this 2015, four of them are in Asia while one is in Africa. Maybe it comes to no surprise that China is the top economy, a financial power fueled by a large and well-oiled manufacturing and exporting infrastructure. If certain economists are to be asked, China's momentum seems to be slowing down but reports say that the government in Beijing is doing all it can to keep the pace trending up. Closely following this well-known player is a new-comer.(Visit (For more info, visit rting the Flow of Economy

In news that may ruin a lot of people's notion about wine, China has recently overtaken France as the world's owner of the second largest wine growing area behind Spain. With almost 800,000 hectares of vineyards, China quickly became an emerging player in the wine industry, thanks to its wine-growing area increase from 4% in 2000 to 11% today. Although this may seem like growth in a single aspect of its economy, it cannot be denied that China is fast becoming a major leader in the global economy.

Meanwhile, Western mainstays like the United Kingdom are currently experiencing a slump not only on its petroleum sales but with its retails as well. In fact, retail sales fell 0.5% in March, a result of the 6.2% drop in petrol sales according to experts. According to them, this decrease and slump in the growth can be caused by the people's fear to spend.

Heard in a speech delivered by Indonesian president President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo said that he believes Africa and Asia, through cooperation, can fashion themselves as examples of an emerging economic power. Politics aside, this statement exemplifies the fact that as the world changes, new countries rise to take the center stage, powered by their economy. Perhaps, Indonesia can be considered as a rising star in Asia and the same could be said for its neighbors. Will it then be applicable to say that the world is now witnessing a shift in power?

The world, currently experiencing a shift of powers, both in politics and economy, is stuck in a crossroad. Will this change of leadership continue with its original trajectory or will another turn should be expected? Evidence says that there are a number of rising economies in Asia, with Greece and other European and Western countries experience decline. If that trend continues, the world is poised to witness the arrival of new economic leaders.

According to a survey of economic experts by a notable international financial institution, of the top five rising global economies this 2015, four of them are in Asia while one is in Africa. Maybe it comes to no surprise that China is the leading economy, a financial power fueled by a large and well-oiled manufacturing and exporting infrastructure. If certain economists are to be asked, China's momentum seems to be slowing down but reports say that the administration in Beijing is doing all it can to keep the pace trending up. Closely following this well-known player is a new-comer.(Visit (For more info, visit  HYPERLINK "" for related stories) The Philippine economy has become a witness to a lot of changes, upheavals, and tremors but these days, its market looks bullish. If it maintains such growth and at such quick rate, the Philippines can expect more investors flocking to it, occurrences that will in turn further bolster their economic growth.

For a country to have a legitimate run at being an economic powerhouse, it must have the ability to attract more local and foreign investors to settle down and grow their companies and businesses in their territories. By doing so, it positions itself as a stable and financially sound ally, and international financial institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank, among many others, can finally lend their claim credence.

Perhaps, it is indeed the time of the East to flex its muscle in the global market. How it may affect the stability and balance of politics in that region, and in the international scene, is still yet to be scene. With China's neighbors accusing the giant of bullying its way into contested territories, this mammoth growth may lead to a more heated territorial dispute in the area, something the rest of the world and the United Nations is trying to avoid.

About the Author:

An Economics major and aspiring travel blogger, I am interested in global politics and economic trends and movements.

About the Author: Maxell Aguiran is an expert when it comes to society, world news, cyber security, politics. To find out everything about current events, intelligence, economy, health, visit his website at Anonymous Connect.

Keywords: world affairs, world news, current news, relevant news, current events, society, news, intelligence, health, economy, environment, cyber security, politics, world, anonymous, activism, articles, technology, world events, health, epidemics, disease, agriculture

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