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« Back to articles from category "World Affairs"

The following article was published in our article directory on May 15, 2015.
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Tracking the Course of Climate Change

Article Category: World Affairs

Author Name: Maxell Aguiran

Amidst evidence of global warming and climate change all over the world, Pope Francis clamored to Christians to take immediate action to counter the effects of heating of the world's climate. He reminded them that Christians are supposed to be stewards of the Earth and therefore are meant to take action to protect the environment. This call was met with harsh rebuttal from conservatives who believed that global warming and climate change is a natural phenomenon.

The Vatican Science Academy's conference titled "Protect the Earth, Dignify Humanity", attended by senior clergymen, religious leaders, members of the academe, and scientists and notable environmentalists hopes to tackle global warming and other environmental problems with the Pope set to deliver an Encyclical centered on the effects of climate change.

It is everywhere, from current affairs programs to blogs about the environment. Warnings about melting polar caps in Antarctica to super storms and devastating floods that might, and have, ravaged coastal areas all over the world. With worsening health concerns in mind, what is happening might lead to serious damages in a country's economy however remote or safe it thinks it is. Global warming is a major danger and steps to counteract it should be taken immediately.

The problem is that technology and consumption is leading the global population to climate change, a phenomenon where the environment is subjected to pollutants and contaminants from all over the world. It is not just confined to air pollution now, with massive masses of garbage floating on the world's waters.

Animal extinction is growing at a rapid pace, an alarming scenario that will more than likely upset the balance of ecosystem and may be a serious challenge to the environment down the road. Climate change also forces mass migration of certain animal species and at times, even alters the lifestyle and habitat of most creatures, if not completely driving them away from their natural homes.

Another serious threat caused by climate change is in the form of super droughts (Visit for related stories). Dry spells have been a common occurrence even in olden times but the degree that the world is experiencing nowadays is troubling.

With water supply for irrigation dwindling, supply of agricultural goods as well as livestock are expected to become scarcer as the situation of the environment worsens. This in turns delivers a huge hit in the economy of countries all over the world but more so in nations that are dependent on their agricultural exports.

With food becoming sparser and costlier year after year, civil unrest and massive violence is not entirely improbable, in fact, cases of these are reported in poverty-stricken countries like Sudan and Somalia. This looming famine may lead to armed conflict between nations, a troubling scenario that should be avoided at all cost.

Another dire threat of climate change is global warming, a speedy and drastic transformation of the Earth's temperature. Bearable summers are now a thing of the past, with immense heat and sudden changes in weather prevailing over most nations, most specially, countries that are coastal in nature like those in Southeast Asia or even those in the Western hemisphere. In fact, it can be said that due to the damaging effects of pollutants in the environment Earth is gradually becoming inhospitable for human living with the situation poised to worsen down the stretch if no immediate and decisive steps are made.

It is not too late for the world's countries to make changes to repair and protect the environment. Even now steps are being taken by the United Nations and other like-minded groups to try and curb pollution and to prevent a further rise of Earth's temperature, a horrific scenario that experts predict will lead to the more catastrophic effects of climate change.

About the Author:

I am a peace and environment advocate who wants to stop climate change and leave a better and healed world for the next generation.

About the Author: Maxell Aguiran is an expert when it comes to society, world news, cyber security, politics. To find out everything about current events, intelligence, economy, health, visit his website at Anonymous Connect.

Keywords: world affairs, world news, current news, relevant news, current events, society, news, intelligence, health, economy, environment, cyber security, politics, world, anonymous, activism, articles, technology, world events, health, epidemics, disease, agriculture

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