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The following article was published in our article directory on May 15, 2015.
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21st Century Politics and Activism

Article Category: Education

Author Name: Maxell Aguiran

In a diplomatic move that decades ago seemed impossible, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe along with his wife leaves Japan to visit the United States of America. While to some this news may seem like a routine meeting between the world's top economies, there seems to be another reason behind it, politics. With Japan being the number 3 economy and the United States still on top, experts believe that this meeting is to address the growing power in the East that is China who is growing both financially and military-wise. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is set to address the U.S. Congress sometime this week, with the looming threat of China's continued expansion as one of his major topics.

From former rivals in the Pacific theatre in World War II to economic and political allies, the United States and Japan have indeed shared a very long history. It is the United States who imposed upon Japan a peaceful constitution that forbids the once Eastern power to form its own military. Political experts all over the world are now monitoring the situation carefully, wondering if China's expansion may move the U.S. and other countries to allow Japan to arm itself once more.

For most of the world's history, politics and diplomacy played a major role in the shaping of nations. It has been known to cause wars and to stop them at times. Powers may shift but the way the game is played remains the same. Aggression may give way to firmer handshakes but still, while there are still those who believe the fate of the world hangs in the balance of politics.

In this age of far-reaching information, holding the power over the media and popular opinion is as big of a goal as there is. As seen in the Arab Spring movement in 2011, social media is fast becoming a agent of change. It brought Internet activism to global attention, with people from all over the world following what's happening in the Middle East on their smartphones and tablets. (For more info, visit Also, with social media acting as their banner, people rallied and urged their neighbours, relatives, and even strangers to take to the streets. Sure, this incident may have been seen in other parts of the globe but nowhere this big and as powerful with effects as far-reaching and eye-opening. Politics, after the Arab Spring, will never be the same again.

Another by- product of the politics and activism battle is what the Chinese call "human flesh search engines". Simply put, these are individuals using the power of group searching and consolidated research to deliver their own brand of Internet vigilante justice. From "victims" ranging from government officials to military leaders, these online marauders exemplify the today's activism: powered and united by the Internet. Some brand them as online bullies while others support their cause completely. Whatever the course of public sentiment may be, their effect on politics and the government in general is palpable (For more stories about activism, visit

As the world moves forward into the future, politics and world leaders are not far behind. Now, more than ever, the government is more and more invested in using popular media such as the television, radio, and even social media in their attempt to connect to the masses that they govern. For some, this works to such an extent that people become sympathetic to their government up to a certain point while some continue to see it as nothing more as power play.

An example of this phenomenon is Russia's attempts to increase its influence over state and privately-run media. According to some critics, the government is flexing their muscles over these firms to use them as their own propaganda tool. Not content in lording over traditional media, Russia is also accused of paying hordes of hackers to conquer the Web. Although the Russian government in Kremlin is not yet denying nor admitting to these accusations, it is not as farfetched as some would think.

In this day and age of information and open debate, politics is no longer a venue where only the wealthy and powerful has a voice. Now, people from all over the world can now take to the Internet to voice their opinion and it seems that the field will stay that way.

About the Author:

I am a former activist turned Political Science student and lecturer who is very much into world politics and economy... along with dogs and cats.

About the Author: Maxell Aguiran is an expert when it comes to society, world news, cyber security, politics. To find out everything about current events, intelligence, economy, health, visit his website at Anonymous Connect.

Keywords: world affairs, world news, current news, relevant news, current events, society, news, intelligence, health, economy, environment, cyber security, politics, world, anonymous, activism, articles, technology, world events, health, epidemics, disease, agriculture

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