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« Back to articles from category "World Affairs"

The following article was published in our article directory on April 30, 2015.
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The Rise of Hacktivism

Article Category: World Affairs

Author Name: Maxell Aguiran

If there is one thing the world needs to include in the hierarchy of needs in this modern day, it would be cyber security.

With the rise of the internet years ago, followed by several innovations in the industry of computer technology, a very large portion of the society has depended too much and has shared more than what is acceptable on the web.

Because of too much freedom the internet offers, people from all over the world now have the power to create their virtual selves, even one that is far from the real person they are. At times, people do not use their intelligence and forget their boundaries, leading to other people taking advantage of the information provided.

Unfortunately, at present, there is no absolute way to protect people from the cruelty of others through the internet.

The most common among cyber cruelty many are experiencing is identity theft. Getting too much information of a person's identity may result to as little as making fake facebook accounts to as dangerous as stealing money (through bank account passwords), kidnapping (through details of whereabouts), and the like.

Based on current events in the internet community, a major threat everyone faces today is Hacktivism. A portmanteau of hack and activism, this is the act of hacking for a motivated purpose. This age marks the rise of hacktivists, making internet consumers, usually banks, companies, and government agencies vulnerable to different attacks.

A hacker group, Anonymous, is one of the those groups that are engaged in Hacktivism.

In Wisconsin, a 38-year-old man was arrested for engaging in a cyber-attack believed to have been organized by Anonymous.

In another case in London, a 16-year-old was arrested for a huge internet attack that spread across different nations. Intelligence reports have shown that the said suspect performed a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. This attack involves the use of a software or a computer program that is continuously and is repeatedly trying to access a particular website, making it not accessible to its target users.

These attacks usually have political motives. Even if attacked websites were affected for only a few minutes, this may already lead to large losses in trades, and other resources especially if the company owning the attacked website offers grand frontline services.

In the US, cybercrime has been ranked as the top national security threat. This is even higher than terrorism, which used to be the greatest threat in many nations across the globe.

Besides identity, money and resources are also at stake in the increasing incidences of hacktivism. There is indeed a great need for further innovations that would ensure not only big companies' but also individual citizen's cyber security. Problems in the cyber community are no longer just about identity thefts for fun. If has grown to taking over big industries, even national government agencies. The society should act now, for if it waits any longer, time will come and the bests in the field of hacktivism could take over one community, one country, or even the whole world.


The author is a graduate of journalism in Asia. She is employed in a development-oriented organization working to help rural communities reach their full potentials through commercialized technologies. She loves fun, exciting things and is very passionate about saving the environment.

About the Author: Maxell Aguiran is an expert when it comes to society, world news, cyber security, politics. To find out everything about current events, intelligence, economy, health, visit his website at Anonymous Connect.

Keywords: world affairs, world news, current news, relevant news, current events, society, news, intelligence, health, economy, environment, cyber security, politics, world, anonymous, activism, articles, technology, world events, health, epidemics, disease, agriculture

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