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The following article was published in our article directory on April 14, 2015.
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3 Ways to Increase Colon Cancer Survival Rate

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Several studies have been done to improve colon cancer survival rate. Increased awareness as well as effective screening methods affected the colon cancer survival rate beginning mid- 1980s. Because people are more informed about the signs of colon cancer, it was easier for doctors to treat patients.

In fact, more than 90% of patients diagnosed in Stage 0 survive for more than five years after the cancer was found. Survival rate for Stage I and II patients is at 70%. For Stage IV patients, five-year survival rate has decreased to 13%. This signifies that certainly, early diagnosis of colon cancer influences the patient's survival rate.

Let us look at three of the most important methods to improve colon cancer survival rate.

Early Screening

Getting proper treatment is important to eliminate cancer cells in the body effectively. Undergoing screening tests is the most important way to prevent colon cancer. The disease typically develops at 50 years old. 90-95% of deaths and cases of colon cancer happen to people 50 years or older.

Younger people should also be wary of colon cancer especially if their medical history shows that it runs in the family. Below are the screening methods that can improve colon cancer survival rate:

Fecal Occult Blood Test. This test is done every year . A paper card is blotched with a small amount of stool. The doctor will then check if there is blood in the stool. If there is, the patient will undergo colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy. This is possibly one of the most heard medical procedures. To eliminate pain, patient will undergo anesthesia during the entire process. A tube will then be inserted into the anus to examine whether there are polyps in the stomach.

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy. This method is almost similar to colonoscopy. A tube will be inserted into the anus to collect tissue samples. Growing small polyps can be removed during the process. Sometimes, enema is needed before the procedure is conducted.

Healthy Diet

The food and the person's eating habits can affect colon cancer survival rate. Consuming too much meat and processed foods can take a toll in your colon's condition. If you want to decrease the risk by about 50%, consume more fruits and vegetables.

Also, make sure to have your daily dose of fiber. Foods that are rich in fiber include wholegrain wheat, corn, wheat bran, wholegrain cereals, carrots and celery. To avoid diarrhea, fill up on soluble fibers such as oats, legumes, barley, fruits and vegetables.

Fiber-riched foods flush out toxins in the body and help in releasing stool.


It is worth mentioning that active people have higher colon cancer survival rate. Regular exercise of about 30 minutes every day reduces the person's chance to develop colon cancer. During workout, heart rate is increased, breathing is enhanced and there is natural muscle contraction in the abdomen. This contraction aids in moving the stool out of the body.

Jogging, walking, dancing, stretching and yoga an hour after a meal helps stimulate the colon. Staying away from alcohol and cigarette also contributes to lowering the risk of colon cancer.

About the Author: Nehemiah is an expert on wellness., health, visit his website at WEBSITE URL.

Keywords: signs of colon cancer, colon cancer stages, colon cancer prognosis, colon cancer survival rate

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