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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on April 2, 2015.
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Why should you Try Yoga at least Once in your Life?

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Monica Austin

Many people are hesitant to find their own passion. Finding a leisure activity can help improve your overall wellbeing. Studies show that people, particularly those who are often stressed at work, need to find an extracurricular activity to ease up the mind from too much workload. This could possibly range from painting, sports, sewing, baking or as you have guessed - practicing yoga or Pilates.

This leisure activity does not require skills and knowledge. Anyone, regardless of age and gender, can start carrying their on Pilates mat and begin practicing meditation. You wouldn't have to be concerned about flexibility or body strength. These would all be learned along the way.

Yoga Promotes Fitness

It is a easier way to be fit. Are you dying to achieve your lifelong dream of having the perfect summer body? Yoga or Pilates is probably the solution to your problem. Unlike doing circuit training, cross fit or weight loss routine in gyms, practicing yoga is an effective, yet light way of attaining your body weight goals. Instead of forcing yourself on heavy weights and rigorous routines, why not do regular breathing techniques coupled with an Ashtanga routine? This way, you wouldn't even think about losing weight. Instead, you just learn how to free your mind from all worries and fears, while also staying in good shape.

It is an inexpensive passion

The only investment aside from clothes is probably a good Pilates mat. Once you have learned and mastered the basics of yoga, you can perform your favorite pose sequences to your favorite music. The best part is that you can perform it anywhere as you like. Most people prefer to do it along with the sceneries of nature. These include the mountains, by the beach or even just outdoors, where you can easily hear the chirping of the birds on the background. You don't have to pay membership fees or extra payments just to practice.

Rewarding experience

Learning your Sun Salutations would be a rewarding experience. Sun Salutation is a sequence of warm up exercise that yoginis should know by heart. It is considered as an important routine since it involves a lot of important poses. It also helps strengthen a lot of core body muscles. The Chaturangga, for instance, is done while laying on your two hands on the Pilates mat. It is a lighter version of a push up and helps promote stronger arms.

Once you have decided to embark on a yoga journey, you need to find the most fitting essentials. Basic must-haves include towel, yoga pants, comfortable workout top and of course, a Pilates mat. Beginners can browse through online sites promoting fitness to have a better grasp on which yoga essentials to purchase.

This month, they're offering the latest innovation available in the market- the  HYPERLINK "" Pilates Mat and Towel. It doubles as a towel and a mat with its microfiber and rubber material. This mat also has an anti-slip technology feature that lets you hold a position for a while, without worrying about slippery and sweaty skin. This prevents accidents and promotes utmost meditation while in session.

About the Author: Monica Austin is an expert when it comes to yoga. To find out everything about yoga, yoga mats and healthy lifestyle, visit the website at

Keywords: yoga mat, hot yoga mat, pilates mat, exercise mat, yoga

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