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The following article was published in our article directory on July 11, 2015.
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Aluminum Die Casting used in Car Parts

Article Category: Automotive

Author Name: Castings Aluminum

The Die Casting Process refers to the production of metal objects by putting molten metal into dies or molds. One can use the process to create simple and complicated shapes for different devices by using reusable dies. Yet, it is important to use a more accurate die during development. It should also be a die that can be subjected to different forms of finishes, depending on the requirements of the creators.

In 1838, the first logged use of die casting is said to be for the resolve of producing an important part in the printing industry. This equipment was a movable type invented by a man named Sturges who was given the patent rights within the same year.

Currently, the process of developing metal parts out of high-pressured molten metal is now used in a varying range of manufacturing items. One example is in the creation of parts for lighting fixtures, sound speakers, hand tools and pump housings. However, amongst them all, probably the most common application is motor vehicle parts die casting. The assembly line used in large-producing cars created the way for die casting to become a driving force for manufacturers to use the said process in other mass-produced products.

In standard motor vehicles, the aluminum and zinc parts make up for a third of the car's metal weight. This is why using aluminum, zinc and other related alloys is advantageous because this type of metal is comparatively light and can efficiently condense the weight of the motor vehicle. Car designing is also one of the largest mass productions in the world, and vehicle parts die casting enables manufacturers to decrease the time allotted to assemble parts. The main reason is that it uses dies or molds that work faster than manually shaping parts into desired form. Other advantages of this particular process include the following:

Automotive parts die casting produce sturdy metal parts that will stand the test of time, unlike other parts like plastic casting that are not only unreliable but also have a shorter usable life.

Parts produced by car parts die casting are thick, but still highly weldable, making it easier for the manufacturers to adjust the shape and size depending on his needs.

Motor vehicle parts die casting costs a lot less than other types of parts production.

Unlike plastic moldings and other types of casts, aluminum, zinc and other non-ferrous alloy die-casted parts are non-toxic and reusable material. Plastic, to be exact, is proven to have dangerous toxic implications not only to the workers, but also to the users of the products manufacturing using this method.

Some of the specific applications of die casting in car parts include constructing small solid items such as seat belts and lock barrels, shielding electronic parts in the engine and inside the car, and making decoration components such as finishes, designs and metal plating. The latter use of motor vehicle parts die casting has been one of the first applications, dating back to the 19th century when commercial production of die casting first became widespread. Up until today, the reupholstering, refurbishing and production of vintage cars use automotive parts die casting.

About the Author: Bonnie F. Bloom writes about Castings Aluminum Company and then also Aluminum Castings Products as well as Prices Parts and Tooling

Keywords: die castings manufacturing parts tooling aluminum zinc production

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