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The following article was published in our article directory on December 24, 2014.
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DS Domination Review -- What Your Sponsor Does Not Want You To Know

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Van Whitsett

OK - you've signed up for DS Domination and gone through all the videos in your back office, and now you're ready to make some bank, just like your sponsor promised you when you signed up...

However, there was one thing your sponsor forgot (or deliberately neglected) to tell you. After all, they just wanted you in their downline so they could earn a monthly commission from you; they could care less about you; you are just a number to them. However, this bit of omitted information from your sponsor can spell the difference between you succeeding in DS Domination, or falling flat on your face...

Ebay and PayPal have their own rules!

Of course, not all sponsors are greedy and money-hungry out to ripoff everyone they can for the sake of a dollar. Many of them are good, decent people who would like to share a wonderful opportunity with as many people as possible. They actually want people to succeed, just as someone once helped them to do the same. I consider myself to be one of those people...

There is one thing, however, that you need to consider: DS Domination is a video course with software that will help you succeed in drop shipping with Ebay, using Amazon as your product source and Paypal as your merchant account. DSD does not own or control Ebay or Amazon - they just tell you how to succeed in drop shipping, using those two sources, as I've said (I'm talking about the Pro version; other upgraded versions of the program offer more companies to choose from). DSD is undoubtedly the best way to make money online today - and I should know, since I've tried most of them personally. There is nothing wrong with DSD, itself. The problem you will face is when doing business with Ebay and Paypal.

You see, when you first start selling on Ebay, the money your customers use to buy the items you are selling is deposited into your Paypal account. The caveat is that Paypal places you on a 90 day probation period if you've never sold Ebay products before, and they can hold your funds for up to 21 days. This means you cannot withdraw or use the money that your customer has sent you while you are on probation. Meanwhile, your customer has purchased from you and are expecting their products to be shipped to them in a reasonable amount of time. Your only choice, therefore, is to pay for the items out of your own pocket.

This can be a shock to the new seller and member of DS Domination. "I didn't know I had to pay for the products myself. I joined this business to MAKE money, not to spend more..."

Welcome to Paypal Jail...

Don't panic. This happens to all new sellers. And it's the that catch your sponsor neglected to tell you.

Why does Paypal do this?

One, they do not know you. Until you have a track record with them, you are placed in limbo until they can trust you to do what you say you plan to do. Paypal does not know if you will take all the money sent to you and then fly the coop and not ship the items that were ordered. It's like some jobs that place you on a 90 day probation period when they first hire you until you prove that you will come to work on time everyday and perform the work that they hired you to do.

How To Bust Out Of Paypal Jail

Paypal has four rules regarding probation:

You must remain in their probation jail for 90 days
Sell at least 25 items
Sell at least $250 dollars worth of Ebay products
As previously mentioned, they can hold your funds for up to 21 days

After those terms are met, you'll be free to enjoy all the benefits of being a member of DSD - and the benefits can be life-changing.

I know, it's a bomber to be placed on a Paypal hold. It sucks big time, especially if you're like many of us and just do not have the funds to bankroll somebody else's purchases. Hell, when I first joined, I didn't even have the twenty bucks for the monthly Pro membership fee. But I knew that DS Domination was the chance of a lifetime for me, so I MADE a way to get the money...

The good news is that there are things you can do to get bailed out of Paypal's jail even sooner than what I just described.

Rodger Langille, the founder of DS Domination, suggests borrowing the money from relatives or friends while you're locked in the Paypal holding cell. This might be a logical alternative for some, but it just was not a viable option for me. But if it works for you, by all means, give it a go...

If you have any savings or a credit or debit card, you can use this to help you out. If you don't have one, apply for one. The Amazon Card is a good one to have, sense you will be using it to buy from Amazon. This is what I did, and it spelled all the difference for me. Here's a video from a prominent DSD member that explains the process:

You could also sell products from home to help earn some quick cash. Use this money to fund your customer's Ebay purchases until you are out of the Paypal hold. Once the probation period is over, you will be free to use your customer's money to ship their products to them.

Another thing people have been using with some success is to call Paypal the minute after they ship the order and enter the tracking information. They ask, very politely, if their money can be released now, rather than the typical 72 hours after the package is received by their customer. This is a hit-and-miss affair, as sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. You'll have to try it and see for yourself.

Don't Let 90 Days Decide the Rest of Your Life

Some have asked me if there is a way to get past Paypal holds or avoid it altogether. Sadly, there is not. Rules are rules, and to be successful with any opportunity, you have to follow the rules.

Don't let a short 90 days of your life dictate what the rest of your life with be. However you decide to handle it, remember that this little Paypal hold is just one minor stumbling block on your way to finally quitting that day-job that you hate so much. Once you are aware that it exists, you are less likely to panic once you are shackled, and you will be better informed as to what you must do next.

As I've stated, DS Domination is the best home business on the market today. Don't let some little glitch rob you of achieving the financial success that you so richly deserve.


About the Author: Van Whitsett is an expert when it comes to DS Domination Review. To find out everything about DS Domination Review, visit his website at

Keywords: DS Domination,DS Domination Review,drop shipping, drop shipping with Ebay and Amazon, work at home,home business,MLM,Home business opportunities

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