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The following article was published in our article directory on December 12, 2014.
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Why Install A Burglar Alarm?

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Neil Graham

Burglary is still one of the most common serious crimes committed in the United Kingdom, as it accounts for 13% of the reported crimes in the country. Thus, even the police suggest that people install prevention systems such as burglar alarms to deter criminals from committing the crime.

Burglary Is Difficult To Solve, Say the Police
A staggering 65% of burglary cases remain unsolved by the Police, primarily because there is no substantial evidence left for the authorities to investigate. Based on these figures, it follows that the clearance rate for burglary will be low.
For instance, in the US the average charge rate for burglary is 14%, while it is about 23% in UK. The burglary charge rate (number of suspects ) is lower than any other serious crime reported. Thus, the police are encouraging people to prevent this crime by installing burglar alarms.

What Makes a Property Prone to Burglary?
Statistics show that thieves often break into houses when the house-holder are not at home. In fact, at least 60% of the reported cases of burglary in the United Kingdom occur during daytime. During the 1990s, this figure was only about 16%, but because most women today now work during daytime, the dwellings are vacant most of the day, which leads to an increase in burglary cases. On the contrary, majority of the offences in Britain, which is about 56%, occur at night, but still, experts suggest that it still has to do with the presence of occupants in a household.
According to researchers , burglars typically burglarise a house during four particular periods, namely: morning (7AM-10AM), afternoon (12PM-3PM), evening (5PM-7PM), and night (12AM-6AM). Although knowing the incidence patterns of burglars in your area will probably aid you in reducing the likelihood of buglary, it is still not enough. No matter how you look at it, it can look like , burglars will strike just about anytime, so you are not safe. By having a burglar alarm installed in your home, you can ward off these thieves even if you are away. Over 70% of arrested burglars stated they would avoid a house with a working and visible intruder alarm.

Precautions in Using an Alarm System
Most people are already familiar with the use of burglar alarms. Alarm systems can detect any form of intrusion in a specific area of the house. Apart from homes, it is also used by schools and healthcare to protect their properties against theft and damage, to keep out trespassers, and to control access.

However, there are cases when a badly planned burglar alarm can trigger incorrectly . This may be caused by a system malfunction or user error. Nevertheless, false alarms is costly to the law enforcement agencies, as every triggered alarm is investigated by them. Therefore, it is important that you select an alarm system that is less prone to false alarms and factors in issues such as whether you have pets or use different doors

With the high occurrence of burglary, the police have strengthened their strategies against this crime. Unfortunately, it has been generally unsuccessful so far in reducing its rate of burglaries. So, private individuals should be proactive in protecting their property from these harmful elements. An effective way to do that is by installing burglar alarms in their homes, especially if it is a monitored alarm or uses a telephone dialler to call the owner if there is an issue.

About the Author: Neil Graham is a security expert from IntelliSecure. Specialising in Home CCTV and Business CCTV, read more at IntelliSecure CCTV.

Keywords: cctv installers, security camera systems, burglar alarms, cctv birmingham, cctv wolverhampton

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