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The following article was published in our article directory on November 25, 2014.
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More Than Your Average Health Store!

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Benny Brogan

More Than Your Average Health Store

Our Health Store offers an outstanding selection of health products at everyday low prices delivered right to your door. Shop with our health & personal care store, where you'll find vitamins, shavers, diapers, baby formula, weight-loss products, nutrition bars, skin care products and more. From old favorites like vitamin D, fish oil and weight loss supplements to health food products like organic coconut oil, you won't find a better value anywhere else. We guarantee it - we guarantee our prices, our service and our quality. So start shopping and enjoy the savings.

Our assortment of health products features a browsable selection of everything from supplements and vitamins, sports nutrition, health care, personal care, household supplies, and loads of top brands like Optimum Nutrition, Pampers, Huggies, Philips, Seventh Generation, Braun, Now Foods, Luvs, Panasonic, Omron, and many, many more.

Whatever your specific goals may be - weight loss, cardiovascular health, promoting healthy cholesterol levels, anti-aging, supporting your immune system, etc. - you've decided to take control of your overall health and wellness. Congratulations! We're happy to have you on board and we're ready to help.

While it may seem daunting right now, achieving good health can be easier than most people think. Eating right is the real secret to lifelong health.

Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet (SAD) is loaded with processed, nutrient-deficient foods, which makes it difficult to fuel your body with the energy and nutrition it needs to perform at optimum efficiency. That's where dietary supplements come in. The following guide provides an introduction to the 7 Basic Supplements (Plus Vitamin D) for Good Health, as developed by natural health experts.

Vitamin D

You might not be aware of all the new research being done on vitamin D, also known as the "sunshine vitamin." Study after study is looking into the increasingly wide range of health benefits vitamin D offers the human body. It is naturally produced through exposure to sunlight, modern lifestyles that keep us indoors the majority of the time make it difficult for most of us to get enough vitamin D the way Mother Nature intended. Thus, the need for supplementation is real, especially for people who live far from the equator and endure long, dark winter months.

What exactly is vitamin D? It's a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for the growth and mineralization of bones, as well as for the absorption of calcium. Two forms of vitamin D are important for humans: ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). D2 is synthesized by plants, and D3 is synthesized by humans in the skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet-B (UVB) rays from sunlight. Recent research is also pointing to potential immune-supporting benefits of vitamin D. Contrary to its original classification as a vitamin, vitamin D is really in a class of its own, functioning more like a hormone that targets over 2,000 genes in the human body (roughly 10 % of our entire genome).

Conclusion: Vitamin D is essential to human health. While the human body naturally produces it from exposure to sunlight, we are getting less and less of this exposure as we live more and more indoors. Known for its major role in supporting strong, healthy bones, vitamin D is also becoming known as a valuable immune supporting nutrient, especially for seasonal wellness. Help protect your bones and your immune system by adding a vitamin D supplement to your regimen.

Multivitamin and mineral complex

The foundation of good health depends on vitamins and minerals, which we can get from a balanced diet or from dietary supplements. The standard American diet is devoid of many vital nutrients. Fried foods, processed junk food and diet soda dominate the menu. Plus, processed food is cheaper and far easier to come by than organic whole foods, which makes it even harder to eat right.

Food in general is different today than it was 100 or even 50 years ago. The soil in which much of our food is grown is depleted of minerals, and the feed given to livestock raised on factory farms is a far cry from the nutrient-rich grass and grains they consumed in the open prairies of past generations. Even vegetables, legumes and fruits are assaulted with chemical pesticides and herbicides, and this raw food is further stripped of its nutrient content by high heat and other production methods used during the manufacturing process. But these challenges are not excuses. We need to make sure we're providing our bodies with the essential vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy.

Conclusion: Unless you're the minority - someone who actually maintains a healthy diet rich in natural foods, fruits and vegetables - your body is likely craving the essential nutrients you'll get with a high quality multivitamin. The question is which of the hundreds of multivitamins to pick. Go here to find the right multivitamin and mineral complex for your body.

Calcium & Magnesium Supplement

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body (you have roughly two to three pounds of it), and about 99 % of it is found in your bones. Calcium is needed to form bones and teeth and is also required for blood clotting and muscle contraction. Bone health is calcium's most well-known task, and many calcium supplements contain added vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium's absorption.

Magnesium is another essential mineral found throughout your body. It also plays a crucial role in maintaining strong bones and muscles, as well as cardiovascular health, fatty acid formation, activating B vitamins, generating ATP energy and even forming new cells. Natural sources of magnesium include nuts, grains, beans, dark green vegetables and fish.

While these two essential minerals are included in most all multivitamins, the recommended daily intake (RDI) for these two is too high to be fully covered by a one-a-day multi formula. We recommend a specific calcium and magnesium supplement that provides closer to the 1,000 mg of calcium and 400 mg of magnesium your body needs. Why? Calcium and magnesium contribute to your health in many ways. From supporting calm moods, healthy teeth and strong bones, there isn't a single part of your body that doesn't require calcium and magnesium.

Conclusion: Calcium and magnesium support optimum health throughout your entire body, so make sure you're getting enough with the help of a specific calcium and magnesium supplement. Go now to see all of our Calcium & Magnesium supplements.


Fiber is all about colon health and digestion, two incredibly important but often overlooked elements to good health and wellness. The famous (some say infamous) detox and cleansing programs are designed to help people rid their bodies of this toxic buildup of waste matter.

The National Academy of Sciences recommends 25 grams of fiber per day for women and 38 grams per day for men. Unless you eat lots and lots of fruits and vegetables, plus plenty of beans and whole grains, it's hard to get that much fiber from food. The refinement process most foods undergo often removes fiber.

It also plays a supporting role in blood sugar maintenance and cholesterol health. One caution with fiber supplements: do NOT take them at the same time as other supplements or medications, as fiber can lessen their strength and effectiveness.

Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids: What You Need to Know

What omega-3s accomplish in terms of your health truly is priceless. When you visit, which is the official website of the Dietary Supplement Information Bureau (DSIB), and "Browse Dietary Supplements," you will find that only vitamins C and E address a greater number of health conditions than omega-3 fatty acids.

Fish oil supplements (cod liver oil, salmon oil, etc.) and flaxseed oil supplements are the two most common essential fatty acid supplements. Their health benefits are derived from two specific fatty acids called eicosapentaenoic acid and docahexaenoic acid (EPA and DHA). Research indicates that these two fatty acids help the body in the following areas: joint health, cholesterol health, maintaining healthy blood lipids and blood pressure, heart health, infant brain development and cellular defense. That's quite a list, and it's because of all these potential heath benefits that omega-3s are one of our basic supplements for optimum health and wellness.

Conclusion: Perhaps the most important health contributions of omega-3 EFAs relate to cognitive function, mood stability, and cardiovascular health. So-called "primitive" diets rich in fresh vegetables and fish had much higher levels of EPA and DHA than our modern diets high in processed and refined foods. So just like fiber, our diets are typically lacking in essential fatty acids. Check out our large variety of essential fatty acids and pick one that fits your needs.


Chlorella is the one supplement on our list that you may be completely unfamiliar with, which is understandable because this nutrient rarely gets the attention it deserves. Chlorella, also known as blue-green algae, is a microscopic plant that grows in fresh water. Chlorella could be called an "emerald in the rough," because it gets overlooked by the masses yet has so much to offer.

In fact, Chlorella might be one of the most nutritionally dense supplements there is, and many health experts believe that it contains almost every nutrient required by the human body, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, nucleic acids, chlorophyll and a full spectrum of phytochemicals. Again, most of us aren't getting enough of the healthy foods that provide proper nourishment. A chlorella supplement is an easy way to pump up the nutritional value of your diet. It's like getting a hefty serving of green vegetables with no washing, steaming or chopping!

Conclusion: The Standard American Diet is known to be low in essential vitamins and minerals, as well as other healthy nutrients. Chlorella offers super strong support to the immune system, it provides sustained energy that you really notice, and it helps cleanse the body of all kinds of toxins.


It's true: We are what we eat. Many health experts believe that all health matters are related in some way to digestion. Throughout the digestive system, or gastrointestinal (GI) tract, there are billions of bacteria. Like fat and cholesterol, some of the bacteria are helpful. The key is maintaining a healthy balance, and probiotic (the "friendly" bacteria) supplements can help.

When most people hear the word probiotics, they automatically think acidophilus. While acidophilus - found in some dairy products - is no doubt the most popular strain of probiotics, your intestines alone are home to millions of these tiny bacteria (collectively known as intestinal flora). There are different groups of probiotics, and Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the most researched of the groups. Lactobacillus acidophilus is simply the best known of the group.

Probiotics help keep the intestinal tract strong for optimal assimilation of food by assisting your body's enzymes like amylase, lipase and protease to break down your foods. They also promote colon health. Basically, they help keep the digestive system running smoothly. Remember, we are what we eat ... but that's only a good thing if our bodies correctly digest and assimilate the proper nutrients.

Conclusion: Make friends with "friendly" probiotics to help keep your GI system strong for optimal assimilation of food and good colon health. Probiotics also assist your body's enzymes in the proper breakdown of food, insuring greater levels of digestion and absorption. Review our wide selection of probiotics and help support your overall health.


Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10, also known as ubiquinone) is a natural, fat-soluble nutrient present in all cells, and it has emerged over the last decade or so as a leading supplement. However, a new form of CoQ10 supplements has recently emerged, Ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is the broken-down form of ubiquinone, making the nutrient readily available for immediate utilization in your body.

Since CoQ10 is required for energy production within all cells, it isn't surprising that it has an effect on all systems within the body. And like other hormones and enzymes in our body, CoQ10 production peaks in our twenties.

Conclusion: CoQ10 has so much to offer your body, and because natural production peaks early on in life, most of us can benefit from CoQ10 supplements. And the older we get, the more we notice the good effects of CoQ10 supplementation. See the wide variety of Ubiquinol and CoQ10 supplements available today, including chewables.

Whatever your specific goals may be - weight loss, cardiovascular health, promoting healthy cholesterol levels, anti-aging, supporting your immune system, etc. - you've decided to take control of your overall health and wellness. The following guide provides an introduction to the 7 Basic Supplements (Plus Vitamin D) for Good Health, as developed by natural health experts.

Fiber is all about colon health and digestion, two incredibly important but often overlooked elements to good health and wellness. Research indicates that these two fatty acids help the body in the following areas: joint health, cholesterol health, maintaining healthy blood lipids and blood pressure, heart health, infant brain development and cellular defense. Conclusion: Perhaps the most important health contributions of omega-3 EFAs relate to cognitive function, mood stability, and cardiovascular health.

About the Author: Benny Brogan is an expert when it comes to vitamins and supplements. To find out everything about health & personal and vitamins, visit his website at

Keywords: vitamins and supplements, sports nutrition, health care, personal care, household supplies

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